Which CTL for my university tree breeding program?

jeudi 9 juin 2016

Hello! This is my first post, but I have already gleaned a lot of great information from this forum as a reader. I hope to tap into the wealth of knowledge that you folks have to help me gather the information I need to decide on if a CTL is what I should be looking at for my needs, and if so, which ones to consider. I work as a research technician with a hazelnut breeding program at the land grant university here in Oregon. We plant out about 4000 seedling trees each year and have some 28,000 trees from 1 to 8 years old in the field at any one time. As the trees are evaluated and discarded, they have to be cut down and hauled out of plots where the trees are planted 3' apart in rows 10' apart. In the early stages, this is all done by hand. As the trees get older and more and more thinned out, we are able to mow the stump sprouts with a tractor and rotary mower, but we are still pulling brush by hand, stacking it in windrows, then pushing it to a burn pile with a front-end loader. So I am thinking that we look at using a CTL with a rotary mower or a mulcher head to 1)re-cut the stump sprouts each year and 2)chop the felled brush in the aisles between the rows of trees. The other particular job that we would use the CTL for is with a 45" tree spade, to move the elite seedlings from the seedling plot to a propagation plot. This will require a large CTL, something on the order of a 10,000+ pound machine. Besides the heavy lifting capability of a big machine, I foresee wanting high flow or enhanced high flow auxiliary hydraulics and the flexibility of EH controls for say, using a trencher to dig the furrow for planting nursery stock. Machines of interest to me, knowing what little I know at this point, include the Takeuchi TL250 or TL12, the Case TV380, or the Deere 333D or 333E. Cat, Kubota and Terex all make suitable machines, too. I have Cat, Deere and Case dealers all nearby for service. I am particularly curious if anyone can comment on the TV380; I see a lot of them for sale used and am wondering if that is because of their popularity or if they have problems. Any and all suggestions will be appreciated!

Which CTL for my university tree breeding program?

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