1996 Pete 379 N14 Engine Brake
1996 Pete 379 N14 Engine Brake
dimanche 31 décembre 2017
1996 Pete 379 N14 Engine Brake
Another Perkins Pukes
So are these things...
Another Perkins Pukes
Another Perkins Pukes
Happy Holidays
Enjoy all!
Happy Holidays
Shift pattern 1981 8LL? transmission
Shift pattern 1981 8LL? transmission
Shift pattern 1981 8LL? transmission
cat thirty with LaPlant-Choate blade
cat thirty with LaPlant-Choate blade
cat thirty with LaPlant-Choate blade
hitachi ex60 urg swing box
Thanks dano
hitachi ex60 urg swing box
C500's, what are the differences in
I am looking for one to move our yarder with.
C500's, what are the differences in
Gehl CTL 85, no high travel speed
Gehl CTL 85, no high travel speed
Gehl CTL 85, no high travel speed
freeloaders working the unemployment scam
Now don't get me wrong, there is always a certain amount of people honestly looking for work and are wanting a job, those I'm not talking about and have no issue with.
Its those that have sucked off the unemployment scam their entire lives and know how the system works and work it their benefit and have for decades. They won't ask for work where any business has signs posted for help wanted, will always ask for work where...
freeloaders working the unemployment scam
freeloaders working the unemployment scam
Plenty of paddle pans
Dresser 412B and IH 412B and Cat 615 46Z machine. The Cat needs batteries but seems to run pretty well, the 412's have been owned by a local contractor for the past 20 years or so and not run for a couple of years. They need batteries, a couple of tires between them, and a hoses at first glance. Both 412's refuse to turn over with fresh batteries, engaging the solenoid (I assume)...
Plenty of paddle pans
Plenty of paddle pans
C500 tractor wanted.
Ideally it would be 196-212" WB, Cat or Cummins power, 18 speed & 46k or larger rears.
Any C500 in that area or style considered.
C500 tractor wanted.
690B relief adjustment
Im back to running our B model more and when curling a tree root it seems like its bogging down too soon. I was thinking of checking relief pressure. On the steel boom cylinder lines there are JIC caps. I was thinking of welding a CAT male quick connect fitting to those caps and watching gauge while in relief. Would this be an acceptable way to test? Are these relief valves preset? Im sure everything is discontinued.
Also, has anyone resealed the swivel manifold? I would like...
690B relief adjustment
690B relief adjustment
Hitachi 120-3 Hydraulic / Electronic problems
I have a Hitachi 120-3 excavator which has hydraulic / electronic problems. The machine has very slow hydraulics including the track motors. It operates a little like the excavator in this video
I have been trying to diagnose the problem over the last few days and the following is what I know or have found from searching the internet.
It seems that there are 4 sensors controlling the whole machine.
- angle sensor
- engine speed sensor
- DP sensor
Hitachi 120-3 Hydraulic / Electronic problems
Hitachi 120-3 Hydraulic / Electronic problems
Small fluxcore welder
Small fluxcore welder
Letourneau L-1200
Or if there is brochure about it
Letourneau L-1200
Dresser 4000 Loaders ?
I have no knowledge of it,apart from a brief feature on the web.
Any info appreciated.
Dresser 4000 Loaders ?
New JD 710 owner needs help. No crowd (dipperstick) power
New JD 710 owner needs help. No crowd (dipperstick) power
New JD 710 owner needs help. No crowd (dipperstick) power
I have a 1967 Ford 4500.
When I purchased this used machine the meter read: 4742 in black & 31 in white.Currently the meter reads: 4900 28 So doing the math am I correct ntosay that in the8 years that I have owned this machine I added 157.97Hours?
I have a 1967 Ford 4500.
The things I've seen me do...
OK I'll start -
I was checking the oil and air filter on a Bobcat 863. I walked around to the front to check the fuel level, upon noticing it needed fuel and since the fuel tank is on the...
The things I've seen me do...
The things I've seen me do...
Anyone need a Case W-14 loader repair manual?
Anyone need a Case W-14 loader repair manual?
The Ultimate Loader??
The Ultimate Loader??
4x4 cat 420 dit blowing fuses
the problem must be between the switch and soleinde. maybe bad soleinde....
has anyone ran into this problem before?
its a snow machine and we are expected snow in the next few days
any help is appreciated
4x4 cat 420 dit blowing fuses
420 D 4x4
420 D 4x4
Case W-14 Repair Manual **Cheap** $25.00
Case W-14 Repair Manual **Cheap** $25.00
Case W-14 Repair Manual **Cheap** $25.00
New holland 555e backhoe torque converter
New holland 555e backhoe torque converter
Mountain roads in the carribean
for a project I am busy with the design of roads, parking lots etc. on a hill. The material on the surface is limestone-like material, and ancient coral reefs ( it is in the carribean). We want to optimize the cut-fill balance as good as possible because it is quite expensive to transport material to the site. So we want to cut the slopes, and use the material in the roads and parcels. Question is, what equipment do I need for ripping the material? I thought to use a D8R for...
Mountain roads in the carribean
Mountain roads in the carribean
D6H winch controls
D6H winch controls
case 450c and TB15 dozers
samedi 30 décembre 2017
case 450c and TB15 dozers
Hitachi EX100-3 Overheating
Hitachi EX100-3 Overheating
Hitachi EX100-3 Overheating
Sleave or welding for rebuilt forklift
For welding, since the frame is made of...
Sleave or welding for rebuilt forklift
Sleave or welding for rebuilt forklift
New and need advice...
I have a friend who has a 4wd Case 580 Super D. Extendahoe with three bucket sizes (12, 24, 36), and clam front loader bucket. Not sure of the year but I think in the early to mid 80's.
Engine was rebuild a couple thousand hours ago and its been used well but seems tight overall. The pins are not sloppy and everything (mechanical) works but gauges, lights, and accessories not so much, although I'd expect that...
New and need advice...
New and need advice...
New Guy Here
New guy from Poplarville, MS.
Just bought a Bobcat 331 with 1300 hrs. A 2006 model.
Going to use it here on my place once I figure how to run it.
Ditching, cleaning around my pond, etc...
Been cleaning the machine up a bit, changing the engine oil....etc.
Hope to learn some things here.
Thanks, Pete
ps: Blondie is one of my dog's name and she weighs 70 lbs...ha
New Guy Here
Tapatalk app?
Tapatalk app?
Boom won't lift
Boom won't lift
Boom won't lift
JD 410 problems
Also, when you put the machine in gear and engage the reverser it takes several seconds to start moving after you let out on the clutch. Any ideas about that?
JD 410 problems
Heater for Deere 650H
Heater for Deere 650H
Heater for Deere 650H
Wheel question...
Lookin for an innernut source, that I can buy a set of new rims....
Wheel question...
Wheel question...
JLG 1255A feels like brakes are dragging...
JLG 1255A feels like brakes are dragging...
188d oil pump O-ring
I have taken off the oil pump during a out of frame rebuild on a case 188d out of my 68 580ck. I’m not sure if there is a special nylon seal for the oil pump to block transition or if it is just a standard o ring. The old one was very hard, Black and cracked. Could someone suggest a part number, or will my standard o ring suffice. Will attach picture for reference.
188d oil pump O-ring
1999 Ford/NH 555e purchase
1999 Ford/NH 555e purchase
1999 Ford/NH 555e purchase
JD Pilot Control solenoids
JD Pilot Control solenoids
JD Pilot Control solenoids
Looking to buy Ford 55E backhoe what do ya think?
Looking to buy Ford 55E backhoe what do ya think?
cordless impact
cordless impact
Carrying metric and inch wrenches
How do you Brits do, do you also carry Whitworth tools, or is that really a non issue?...
Carrying metric and inch wrenches
Carrying metric and inch wrenches
Cat 140G Moldboard repair ?
also on a side note this is an older unit with a 3306 in it with no power wont ever make smoke will stall in 1st gear wot with barely anything in the blade 1760 hrs on unit , had a bad algae problem I think I have that mess cleaned out finally, now I can...
Cat 140G Moldboard repair ?
Cat 140G Moldboard repair ?
Buying a Top Kick
I have an opportunity to upgrade to a fire truck. It is a Top Kick GMC 1990 a bit heavier. It has a Caterpillar 3208 naturally aspirated 10.4 litre V8 coupled to an Allison automatic. Automatic is not my preference, but I'll live with it if it is dependable. It has 31000 miles, and an unspecified amount of sitting still running. These small town fire trucks, if bought new are usually...
Buying a Top Kick
Buying a Top Kick
No throttle response on case cx160
No throttle response on case cx160
No throttle response on case cx160
Cat 980B burnt transmission fluid
Cat 980B burnt transmission fluid
John Deere 270D head gasket night mare
John Deere 270D head gasket night mare
John Deere 270D head gasket night mare
JD 4045 w HPCR - wet fuel in all cylinder - will not run
JD 4045 w HPCR - wet fuel in all cylinder - will not run
JD 4045 w HPCR - wet fuel in all cylinder - will not run
hitachi ex120-5 problem
hitachi ex120-5 problem
pc150lc-6k problems
pc150lc-6k problems
case 580m engine dusted
case 580m engine dusted
320L Service Manual
320L Service Manual
Two big batteries, or three small batteries
for some reason, I seem to have better luck with just two big batteries, as three small ones, even though the CCa adds up around to the same # or even more with the small batteries. Just wondering what everyone else thinks.
And is it just me or are batteries not getting any better. I used to figure 5-7 years, now I feel lucky in the 3-5 year.
Two big batteries, or three small batteries
Who designs this -$)#!! Cat 140H
vendredi 29 décembre 2017
Well to be fair our two Cat 140Hs have been very good but today I had a special day with one of them. We had a heavy dump of snow yesterday (30cm) and the graders were in demand to windrow the streets so we could run our big blower on night shift and get things cleaned up. The operator stopped for coffee and complained the transmission light was flashing. Level was ok but then it wouldn't go into gear. He also said it cranked slow when he started it first thing. Now at this point...
Who designs this -$)#!! Cat 140H
Who designs this -$)#!! Cat 140H
Service truck layout/organization
Just trying to decide how to layout my tools and stuff. Like to learn from others.
Thanks in advance
Post pics please
Service truck layout/organization
Volvo A30/35/40 D service reset
Many thanks in advance
Volvo A30/35/40 D service reset
Walker's work doing's
Walker's work doing's
Hard facing electrodes or wire
Hard facing electrodes or wire
Hard facing electrodes or wire
New John Deere Grader coming.
The Township that is looking for a new grader is comparing Deere to Cat. The Deere salesman called me yesterday wanting to demo a grader since the last Deere I ran was a 570. I told him that I liked the Cat M's because of the twin sticks, so bring a 672GP to demo.
After further talk he told me that Deere has a new model grader that will be released...
New John Deere Grader coming.
New John Deere Grader coming.
crane controls
Ps. I spent a half an hour looking on different manufacturers web sights for an answer and no luck. I even googled...
crane controls
crane controls
Its that time of year. Lets discuss ether.
Its that time of year. Lets discuss ether.
D4G Battery Removal
D4G Battery Removal
Grouser extensions, anyone had them installed?
Has anyone here installed grouser extensions or had them installed?
I am thinking a 2-2.5" extension every other bar on my current double bar pads.
Just curious of the cost & satisfaction with them.
Thank you.
Grouser extensions, anyone had them installed?
Looking to buy JD 410B backhoe what do ya think?
Looking to buy JD 410B backhoe what do ya think?
Case 580C-CK backhoe seal kit #'s
Case 580C-CK backhoe seal kit #'s
Kobelco 135 excavator idler wheel repair?
Kobelco 135 excavator idler wheel repair?
Kobelco 135 excavator idler wheel repair?
Trailer brakes not releasing
What could possibly be the issue? Only one side did it, and even getting it home after, the brake on that wheel never...
Trailer brakes not releasing
Trailer brakes not releasing
Solar Power for shop
I am currently working out of a couple of containers, and I was told no way in He[[ would I get power anywhere on my property for anything but a subdivision. (I wish the lady would have said over her dead body, I'd have power now

Solar Power for shop
Solar Power for shop
g188d cam timing
g188d cam timing
Komatsu Pc50 bucket size
I found a nice 30" bucket, but not sure if that is going to be to big for the machine.
Any advice?
Komatsu Pc50 bucket size
Hello Everyone New Member here ready to buy a new skid steer
I'll be using this around my new home that I'm building up in the mountains of Colorado.
I'm most likely buying more machine than I need but I rather have to much than not enough.
I'll be moving dead trees, wood, plowing snow, and just about any else I can do with this.
Anybody with some sense look at my list here and see what I might be missing here.
I wished it had the bigger tires ( 14 x 17.5 )
Thanks for the...
Hello Everyone New Member here ready to buy a new skid steer
Hello Everyone New Member here ready to buy a new skid steer
D6 R advice
We're currently looking for a decent D6R and have the chance of a couple.
One has the 3306 engine other one is an early c9 both are similar hrs and condition am I better off with the 3306 as I hear heui in c9 problematic.
D6 R advice
Not able to unlatch tilting cab on 1989 Mack Midliner
The directions say to push the latch handle up to release the main latch and then pull down to release the safety catch.
When I push up, nothing happens. When I bought the truck a few years ago the seller was able to unlatch the cab to show me the engine but since then I have been unable to get the latch to release the cab.
Is anyone here familiar with this model of Mack...
Not able to unlatch tilting cab on 1989 Mack Midliner
Not able to unlatch tilting cab on 1989 Mack Midliner
internet is the best service of world
usa vs canada live free
canada vs usa live
internet is the best service of world
New Member, Hi All I you find this funny.
jeudi 28 décembre 2017

New Member, Hi All I you find this funny.
New Member, Hi All I you find this funny.
Outrigger crushing accident
Outrigger crushing accident
Volvo mct135c oil drain plug
Could anyone tell me where the access is to the oil drain plug on this machine? I have the hose that supposedly attaches for draining.
Thank You
Volvo mct135c oil drain plug
Skid Steer Burned Up
Skid Steer Burned Up
Skid Steer Burned Up
Upgrade excavator or turn down work?
Upgrade excavator or turn down work?
Upgrade excavator or turn down work?
Case TR320 error code OPRPR
Case TR320 error code OPRPR
freeloaders working the unemployment scam
Now don't get me wrong, there is always a certain amount of people honestly looking for work and are wanting a job, those I'm not talking about and have no issue with.
Its those that have sucked off the unemployment scam their entire lives and know how the system works and work it their benefit and have for decades. They won't ask for work where any business has signs posted for help wanted, will always ask for work where...
freeloaders working the unemployment scam
freeloaders working the unemployment scam
RGN trailer front too low if loaded
The problem is that when the RGN trailer is loaded, the front of the bed is too low to the ground. Like just 4 inches off the ground.
My feeling on this is that something flexes and the neck bends in relation to the bed, and it "sags".
I wonder what is the proper way to address it. I thought to buy some steel wedges to insert when hooking up to the trailer,...
RGN trailer front too low if loaded
RGN trailer front too low if loaded
Just some work pics
View attachment 157749
View attachment 157750
View attachment 157751
View attachment 157752
Just some work pics
Hitachi: Slow hydraulics
I have unhealthy EX120-2 and trying to figure out whats bugging it. The engine runs (idles fine, revs up etc.) But the hydraulic and tracks are slow and the engine does not seem to be under load when using the bucket etc. Reading other posts, I think have a bad solenoid. So I pulled the two pump solenoids off. The front one had a crack right thru the coil and it was covered in oil. The second solenoid had a small crack but not completely thru the coil, it was...
Hitachi: Slow hydraulics
Hitachi: Slow hydraulics
Graders with V-plows & wings.
Graders with V-plows & wings.
955L stalled after running for 5 minutes
955L stalled after running for 5 minutes
955L stalled after running for 5 minutes
Keeping operating hours.
We are starting a new earthmoving business and need to keep operating hours (as opposed to engine hours) for invoicing clients.
I’m trying to find the correct name for a ‘rocker clock’. I have searched the net to buy these things for the machines with no luck at all.
You put the round card in and the clock picks up the vibration and marks the card.
I used them a lot when I was operating about 10 years ago.
Maybe also called a wobble clock or job clock.
Keeping operating hours.
Keeping operating hours.
Deere 690C bucket bushing/pin sizes?
My old 690c has one bad pin. It is the dipper pin, it looks like the sleeve in the boom broke free and caused all kinds havoc. I'm having this line bored and welding in a solid shaft with a replaceable sleeve where it will contact the dipper link arm bushings.
The problem is one of the dipper link arms has a bushing that has been slipping (item #4 on the attached image). So I can either bore this out and go with a larger bushing or it will have to be welded up and then...
Deere 690C bucket bushing/pin sizes?
Deere 690C bucket bushing/pin sizes?
Pacific trucks in the logging industy
Pacific trucks in the logging industy
Hitachi EX120
Hitachi EX120
Case 521D
Case 521D
Case 521D
removing CASE 360 trencher dual pump drive belt
removing CASE 360 trencher dual pump drive belt
removing CASE 360 trencher dual pump drive belt
I have a Deere 450LC,
I have a Deere 450LC,
D6c cat loss of oil pressure
I lost oil pressure on my d6c cat and now it won't start. Any suggestions?
D6c cat loss of oil pressure
Case 580SL II parking brake alarm
I've searched the forum considerably looking for an answer, but can't find one, so I thought I'd ask for some help here.
I have a Case 580SL II that recently began sounding an alarm when I put it in gear (as in clicking the shuttle shift into F or R). It had done this occasionally in the past if the parking brake was not FULLY pressed down in the released position. Now, it does it all the time. It does not sound this alarm in neutral, and if in gear, the alarm will go off if...
Case 580SL II parking brake alarm
Case 580SL II parking brake alarm
Some think they have a 'Crappy' job, HA!
Some think they have a 'Crappy' job, HA!
Shift pattern 1981 8LL? transmission
mercredi 27 décembre 2017
Shift pattern 1981 8LL? transmission
Shift pattern 1981 8LL? transmission
john deere 87 410B backhoe
john deere 87 410B backhoe
Memories for us old truckers
Truck Shop
Memories for us old truckers
Whats with all the bad diesel fuel.
any 1 else having trouble ? Lol sorry for the rant but I cant seem to find decent fuel this year
Whats with all the bad diesel fuel.
Thanks to my mentors
I don't know who this is, but was impressed with his skill:
Thanks to my mentors
Snow Chains and trailers
From : http://ift.tt/2BLxwBG
..."When you have to chain-up going over Donner Pass: “MINIMUM Chains” (R1) means 2 sets of single chains, Put one set on your primary drive axle, outside tires.
The “Primary” drive axle is always the rear...
Snow Chains and trailers
Snow Chains and trailers
insley pull shovel
insley pull shovel
Dresser Grader
We need help with information.
A Dresser Motor Grader S/N G580 002U100663. ??????
With transmission troubles:
Model 1251970H91
Specs: 12607A
Serie: 8810002594
I understand that above case is a FUNK type of transmission assembly.
We are looking for a rebuild or repair kit.
Lower shat output gear tooth broken
Also, we would like to have a copy of above transmission parts catalog.
Your assistance most appreciated.
Best regards.
Dresser Grader
The things I've seen me do...
OK I'll start -
I was checking the oil and air filter on a Bobcat 863. I walked around to the front to check the fuel level, upon noticing it needed fuel and since the fuel tank is on the...
The things I've seen me do...
The things I've seen me do...
420e it block heater
420e it block heater
I have a service and parts manual for case 680 ck
I have a service and parts manual for case 680 ck
JCB 1400B operation and service manual with wire diagrams needed
JCB 1400B operation and service manual with wire diagrams needed
Help ford l9000
Help ford l9000
Insley Excavator
View attachment 41166
View attachment 41167
Insley Excavator
Anybody know if a D6M C-frame will fit a D5H
Anybody know if a D6M C-frame will fit a D5H
Research - Tapered Bearings for Mining Equipment
A few questions for anyone who is kind and willing to answer:
1. Are tapered bearings highly utilized in this industry, or is the preference/need primarily for ball, spherical, and cylindrical types?
2. My basic research so far indicates that tapered bearings can/are used on applications involving draglines,...
Research - Tapered Bearings for Mining Equipment
Research - Tapered Bearings for Mining Equipment
NEW Laptop for X-mas
Anywho.. without doing a search I thought I'd ask first & search later..
HOW do I get my info off the OLD onto the NEW?? I have a lot of files & favorites I'd like to keep..
Is it as simple as buying a "stick".. jamming it in the side, pressing a few buttons & plugging the "stick" into...
NEW Laptop for X-mas
NEW Laptop for X-mas
Mower Attachment
mardi 26 décembre 2017
Mower Attachment
online bidding
online bidding
Ford 555 hoe transmission oil leak
I was hoping someone could give me a suggestion or two. My hoe sprang a leak as evidenced by the trail of fluid all over the ground where I had driven. Luckily it wasn't much more than about a quart before I noticed it. Upon inspection it was coming from the trans oil filter area. I was hoping it was the filter itself, but there is no visible sign that it was the filter so it seems most likely one of the connections to the filter housing. Took me a good long time to get the...
Ford 555 hoe transmission oil leak
Ford 555 hoe transmission oil leak
The JLG 40F Boom Lift Dilemma
The JLG 40F Boom Lift Dilemma
The JLG 40F Boom Lift Dilemma
S. Madill, Blacksmith, Founded in 1911 in Nanaimo BC
Share your pics, memories, and everything else with us here! I'll start with an old Madill 009 on a Hayes truck.
S. Madill, Blacksmith, Founded in 1911 in Nanaimo BC
Friction squeal
Friction squeal
The Scraper Show
The Scraper Show
Loss of talent
Loss of talent
Loss of talent
Hydraulic oil 1845 case skidloader
Hydraulic oil 1845 case skidloader
IDigbest System?
IDigbest System?
Case 465 tires
Case 465 tires
Case 465 tires
Bobcat T650 vs Kubota SVL75-2
Bobcat T650 vs Kubota SVL75-2
Bobcat T650 vs Kubota SVL75-2
JD 455G Transmission
JD 455G Transmission
JD 455G Transmission
Winterize excavator - additives, good practises
I recently started an excavation company after taking a 3 month heavy equipment operator program in olds, Alberta Canada.
I’m a civil engineer tech by education and I must admit quite new with diesel motors and heavy equipment.
I bought a 2014 John Deere 180g Lc January 2016 and have just reached 1600hours on the machine. Today I tried to start it up on the job and it’s not firing up. I’m thinking it...
Winterize excavator - additives, good practises
Winterize excavator - additives, good practises
JLG 943-A Telehandler Falling on its face
JLG 943-A Telehandler Falling on its face
1> When I get an email that states there has been an addition to a thread I follow & I click the link to>
"go to thread".. at the bottom of the email.
SOMETIMES/a lot of times, I get a log-in ERROR msg & I HAVE TO log in..inorder to go to THAT thread..
Other times it will take me DIRECTLY to the NEW POST on that thread..
2> It took me about a YEAR to start receiving "posts added" emails about posts I follow..
crane inspection company
crane inspection company
Boom issue
Boom issue
Suggest safety shoes for men which can be used in the construction site!
lundi 25 décembre 2017
I would like to buy safety shoes for my brother. He is working on a construction site. Recently, he met with a foot injury and am afraid, if he will come up with such accidents more. So, I just want to buy a pair of safety shoes for him.
Construction sites cause potential risks which imply that it is basic for laborers to wear proper safety gear. Both companies and workers are equally responsible to guarantee that everybody is wearing the correct garments for the activity. So,...
Suggest safety shoes for men which can be used in the construction site!
Suggest safety shoes for men which can be used in the construction site!
Buying a 1 tonne excavator
I am currently 18 years old and thinking I could start a small scale earth moving company.
I'm in the planning stages of considering ways in that I could own and operate a machine. My current thought is that buying a 1 tonne excavator/mini skid steer ( 1 tonne because I would be able to transport this weight on my ute ) would be the way to go. I am Starting an apprenticeship in civil construction in a week so through my job I will learn how to maintain a machine and basics on...
Buying a 1 tonne excavator
Buying a 1 tonne excavator
Equipment financing help
Equipment financing help
Equipment financing help
Need advice on making oil sand
Need advice on making oil sand
Need advice on making oil sand
who makes the BEST excavator
who makes the BEST excavator
Bobcat T300 aux hydo constant flow lock
Bobcat T300 aux hydo constant flow lock
D8H reversable fan tool
D8H reversable fan tool
D8H pulling in tile
D8H pulling in tile
Rear Tires- 17.5 or 19.5?
Rear Tires- 17.5 or 19.5?
Oakland Raiders vs Philadelphia Eagles
Terex TS14B steering
Terex TS14B steering
Terex TS14B steering
D6k2LGP System one to standart undercarriage.
Does anyone have changed from system one to normal undercarriage for CAT D6K2LGP ? I heard that should be some modifications on idler and sprockets.
D6k2LGP System one to standart undercarriage.
New Holland LX, LS, and L series aftermarket cab and heat
The most annoying part about these machines is finding a small enough heater to install in the tight cab...
New Holland LX, LS, and L series aftermarket cab and heat
New Holland LX, LS, and L series aftermarket cab and heat
Section for komatsu d20,21 and similar grey market dozers
Section for komatsu d20,21 and similar grey market dozers
chainsaw thread
chainsaw thread
Case 680G backhoe project: squad
Case 680G backhoe project: squad
Case 680G backhoe project: squad
Vemeer T300
dimanche 24 décembre 2017
I have a 637 65m parts scraper. Need something give me a shout. Pretty new...
Vemeer T300
Vemeer T300
320L Service Manual
320L Service Manual
Cat 615 2
Cat 615 2
Cat 615 2
Grouser extensions, anyone had them installed?
Has anyone here installed grouser extensions or had them installed?
I am thinking a 2-2.5" extension every other bar on my current double bar pads.
Just curious of the cost & satisfaction with them.
Thank you.
Grouser extensions, anyone had them installed?
hitachi ex60 urg swing box
Thanks dano
hitachi ex60 urg swing box
JD 410 problems
Also, when you put the machine in gear and engage the reverser it takes several seconds to start moving after you let out on the clutch. Any ideas about that?
JD 410 problems
1995 pc50uu2 excavator boom wont lift up
1995 pc50uu2 excavator boom wont lift up
1995 pc50uu2 excavator boom wont lift up
Hauling 11k equipment with no CDL
Hauling 11k equipment with no CDL
763 Bobcat oil fuel gageson right side of cab not working
763 Bobcat oil fuel gageson right side of cab not working
763 Bobcat need to install bobtack help
763 Bobcat need to install bobtack help
763g bobcat have a mag heater wheres the best place for it.also what size is the heater hose to insh
763g bobcat have a mag heater wheres the best place for it.also what size is the heater hose to insh
Genie S60 1995 Ford LRG425I start problems
Genie S60 1995 Ford LRG425I start problems
E mails for watched threads don't show up if you don't open every one
E mails for watched threads don't show up if you don't open every one
Saving a thread
Saving a thread
Saving a thread
Loader quick attaches 644H and 966G
I have a JRB Quick attach for a CAT 966G wheel loader $500.00 also available 4 in 1 bucket for this coupler/loader, both for $3000.00 (nice)
Loader quick attaches 644H and 966G
Pop up add
Pop up add
Help! 1996 Cat 416b Backhoe Hydraulic Pump Vibration
any thoughts? Thank you in advance
Help! 1996 Cat 416b Backhoe Hydraulic Pump Vibration
1992 RD690s Electrical problems
will work. I have replaced the ignition switch same problem sometimes it will come back to to normal but I need to figure this out. Any and all help would be great thanks in advance
1992 RD690s Electrical problems
mini paver opinions ?
looking for opinions on brands
was looking at a ' leeboy 1000f ' possibly ?
will the shorter undercarriage be an issue or anything i should be looking out for ?
mini paver opinions ?
Ih 270a Paint color?
Ih 270a Paint color?
Volvo Mini Excavator ....mechanical question
samedi 23 décembre 2017
I have a 2006 Volvo Ec15b with low hours (500) it runs fine but has a difficult time starting up.
On a cold start, the engine turns for almost 12-15 seconds before it fires up.
The warmer is it the faster it starts up.
It has a brand new battery and fresh fuel filters.
Is there anything else i can check or change before i play with the fuel pump ?..
thanks in advance.
regards, Nick.
Volvo Mini Excavator ....mechanical question
Volvo Mini Excavator ....mechanical question
I have a 2006 Volvo Ec15b with low hours (500) it runs fine but has a difficult time starting up.
On a cold start, the engine turns for almost 12-15 seconds before it fires up.
The warmer is it the faster it starts up.
It has a brand new battery and fresh fuel filters.
Is there anything else i can check or change before i play with the fuel pump ?..
thanks in advance.
regards, Nick.
Volvo Mini Excavator ....mechanical question
Does anyone recommend a tire sealer I can install myself?
Berryman Tire Seal-R ?
Does anyone recommend a tire sealer I can install myself?
Sullair 185 DPQ Air Compressor
Sullair 185 DPQ Air Compressor
Sullair 185 DPQ Air Compressor
Cat D8T Engine Miss Firing
It has an engine miss firing problem, usually later in the day when fuel gets lower in the tank. No problem early in the day
We have had the Cat dealer look at it twice, but nothing shows up on their computer, making us think it may be a fuel issue. Have replaced the fuel filters early in the piece, but problem still persists.
The engine will go onto 5 cylinders, sometimes even 4, after 2 or 3 minutes it will clear itself and continue for maybe...
Cat D8T Engine Miss Firing
Cat D8T Engine Miss Firing
Bobcat stuck on HI-flow
Bobcat stuck on HI-flow
what is bobcat up to
i love the manual old school crude 570 kubota powered machine. that machine is awesome.
i do not like the electric joystick machine, and only drive it when i am forced to....
what is bobcat up to
what is bobcat up to
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