buying first dump truck
buying first dump truck
vendredi 30 juin 2017
buying first dump truck
941 B Loosing prime

Help, II have a 941B Track loader , that I use occasionally all , in the winter time I changed the Injectors thinking that would help. It started to loose prime. Changed filter , water separator and hand priming pump. No luck it seems to be sucking air . I found no leaks. My last resort is to rebuild the pump. I would like too find a logical reason.
Thank you
941 B Loosing prime
550 Adams Grader UD-16 motor
thanks View attachment 171125 View attachment 171126 View attachment 171127
550 Adams Grader UD-16 motor
855 Cummins?
Breezy Ridge Repair
855 Cummins?
big pipe
Installed some big pipe
big pipe
980h key power... Or not
980h key power... Or not
Oe3 crane rental probable strike vote tomorrow.
Oe3 crane rental probable strike vote tomorrow.
Oe3 crane rental probable strike vote tomorrow.
Mahindra 5570 tractor
Mahindra 5570 tractor
Mahindra 5570 tractor
Bushing and pin material
Bushing and pin material
Bushing and pin material
MF 960 problems
Can anyone help me with problems I have with my MF960 please. I can not get the steering to go into 4 wheel steer or crab, it continually beeps 4 times, which means there is a steering problem. I have attempted to fix the steering by manually adjusting at the hydraulic spool. I was successful in getting the steering right temporarily in 2 wheel drive, with no beeps, it has since got back to not tracking correctly & beeping 4 times. I have other problems with the 4 in 1 not closing...
MF 960 problems
MF 960 problems
580C transaxle shifter cover removal?
I took all 4 bolts out of the cover and figured it would just come up and out easy but it doesn't. I haven't put much pressure on it, Should I? is there a trick to it? I definatly don't want to have to go deep in the transaxle so I need to know what to do so I do not...
580C transaxle shifter cover removal?
580C transaxle shifter cover removal?
Komatsu PC35-R8 quick hitch problem
It engages but will not disengage.
If I release the bleed valve the piston flows freely and disengages...but hydraulically will not disengage.
Anyone got any ideas on where to start looking please?
thanks in advance..
Komatsu PC35-R8 quick hitch problem
Pel-Job EB150 problems. I need electric schematics
My EB150 developed some problems recently.
1. The switch between boom swing and slew acted up. It would switch to boom swing, but not back to slew. A few attempts would switch it. But today it will not switch to boom swing at all.
2. Sometimes it would not start. No sound from the starter solenoid at all. Lowering/raising the armrest seemed to help. I found a ground connection where the screw was loose. Tightening it seemed to fix it, but just for a while. Yesterday nothing resolved...
Pel-Job EB150 problems. I need electric schematics
Pel-Job EB150 problems. I need electric schematics
Remove roof, save building
I'm not 100% sure how it was originally installed. But there is a joist every 5'. Every 33" along the joist there is an upside down T. It appears they put some sort of drywall type material in those rectangles, then poured 2" of concrete on top of that, with wire in it. On top of that, there is...
Remove roof, save building
Remove roof, save building
All in a days (or two) work pictures
jeudi 29 juin 2017
so here is a new thread, if you guys like it i will continue to post pics of some of the work i do...explanation of pictures. The pegson track jaw was getting new swing jaw bearings and shaft. The other two are of a customer track skidder trans, one of the diff case and the other of the powershift partly disassembled. I didn't get to rebuild this one i disassembled it and gave them a quote it was to high so...
All in a days (or two) work pictures
All in a days (or two) work pictures
Kobelco hydraulic excavators
2) is your machine acting up and not running the way it should?
3) do you require help pin-pointing the root cause of the problem?
4) do you have any unanswered questions?
5) are you looking for manuals specific to your model and by serial number?
please post your topics here. i will do my best to help out.
as i am also sure and gladly invite the other experienced...
Kobelco hydraulic excavators
Kobelco hydraulic excavators
Undercarriage parts
I have an 04 T250 bobcat. Front idlers are bad. Looking for advice on what brand replacement parts are good, what to avoid. I'd like to buy the parts once and be done (everyone's idea right), not spend more in the end buying crap that won't last.
Undercarriage parts
Hello community members!
I am back into this community again. I would like to say hello to all of you here. Please accept me guys.
Thanks for your time!
Hello community members!
2005 bobcat T300 parts
2005 bobcat T300 parts
T250 problems
Just picked up a 2005 T250. Got a deal on it but it will not move under its own power. Lots of things going on here but ill start with a list of whats not working or working correctly.
- First it has a bad left instrument panel. It works for the most part but the display is out thus no Hours and more importantly no codes... I am...
T250 problems
T250 problems
Ht 50 skid steer ...hero time
The 2 cents ive got on these are as follows;
1 The owner needs to be mechanically/ e;ectrically minded minded and...
Ht 50 skid steer ...hero time
Ht 50 skid steer ...hero time
Kubota Kx151
Kubota Kx151
Genie z60/34 won't drive
Currently I'm working on a 2005 genie z-60/34 4wd. Serial no. Z6005-5038. Over the course of the last few months this thing has been in and out of the shop. The circuit board in the tower/basket has been replaced as have 2 joysticks. 1 being the steer and drive. At present the machine is down. It will only drive a couple feet in either forward or reverse before the...
Genie z60/34 won't drive
Genie z60/34 won't drive
JLG 450A Telescoping boom hose replacement
Long story short: My tenant was in the process of replacing the hoses on the telescoping boom of his 450A when he suddenly passed away last November. I finally had the chance to try and finish the job so I can use the lift and ready it so his wife can sell it, and I'm having a heck of a time snaking the hoses through the boom. Is there any "easy" way or recommended procedure on doing this. I've been trying all day, even trying to pull the old ones through with the backhoe...
JLG 450A Telescoping boom hose replacement
JLG 450A Telescoping boom hose replacement
deere 160lc problems
deere 160lc problems
deere 160lc problems
Case 650K oil leak from hyd pump breather
Case 650K oil leak from hyd pump breather
Cat 426 Backhoe shut off after 2 hours of run time
I have a late 80s Cat 426 back hoe with a Perkins 4.236 . I have replaced the fuel filters and installed a new mechanical fuel pump. I have cleaned the fuel injectors and fuel lines. Bleed the air out and am able to start the machine. It runs good and will stay running for exactly 2 hours, ( I have time it the last six time I started it up) then it shuts off like it's out of fuel,...
Cat 426 Backhoe shut off after 2 hours of run time
Cat 426 Backhoe shut off after 2 hours of run time
Cat 426 Backhoe shut off after 2 hours of run time
I have a late 80s Cat 426 back hoe with a Perkins 4.236 . I have replaced the fuel filters and installed a new mechanical fuel pump. I have cleaned the fuel injectors and fuel lines. Bleed the air out and am able to start the machine. It runs good and will stay running for exactly 2 hours, ( I have time it the last six time I started it up) then it shuts off like it's out of fuel,...
Cat 426 Backhoe shut off after 2 hours of run time
Cat 426 Backhoe shut off after 2 hours of run time
Can a 4 way blade cut in a hill road
Btw I have a lot of trees and brush to deal with. What's the best way to handle these.....push them over and keep going or try to use my skid steer to haul them away before the...
Can a 4 way blade cut in a hill road
Can a 4 way blade cut in a hill road
Sandblasting Advice Needed
What would you recommend for a unit? I'm looking at a typical 50/100lb rolling unit. Not doing bridge beams, but my limited experience with my friend's hopper gun suggests one of those won't cut it.
My biggest concern is containment/media control. Do I need to build some kind of...
Sandblasting Advice Needed
Sandblasting Advice Needed
Bobcat ind. fork grapple
Bobcat ind. fork grapple
Zero product support for Blaw Knox / Lee Boy pavers
mercredi 28 juin 2017
Zero product support for Blaw Knox / Lee Boy pavers
Zero product support for Blaw Knox / Lee Boy pavers
Detention basin for a tiltup warehouse (just painted)
View attachment 170766
That machine is a SL30SL speed level from Upright. Couldn't rent one w/o paying long haul relocation fees, had to buy it with the intention to re-sell once job was done, but works so much better than a offroad scissor or a telescoping boom that it earned a 'keeper' spot. Paint job done with 18" rollers w 3/4 nap: didn't want to detail cars from...
Detention basin for a tiltup warehouse (just painted)
Detention basin for a tiltup warehouse (just painted)
Grizzly Trucks
I lived and worked in North Van when these trucks were built..I had just finished my 10 years at Pacific ..
This is truck #1 of 13 or 14 trucks..It has been on the Island for years and...
Grizzly Trucks
Grizzly Trucks
New Holland ls140 wiring
New Holland ls140 wiring
Making trails steep terrain 300 acres brush & trees
I have about 300 acres of pretty hilly terrain, covered with small-diameter trees and brush.
I want to make ATV trails throughout the property. I've done a little with a CAT D4 but it makes a mess.
Would you recommend a smaller dozer or a compact track loader?
Thank you.
Making trails steep terrain 300 acres brush & trees
Forestry mulcher fuel consumption question

Forestry mulcher fuel consumption question
Forestry mulcher fuel consumption question
450J Track Group or other options
How big of a project is it to change out the group yourself? Is it worth doing it yourself?
450J Track Group or other options
Ed's 77 Terex 72-41
Also the transmission is leaking, there's a pretty good drip coming off the small round thing with hose towards center of the picture (underside...
Ed's 77 Terex 72-41
Ed's 77 Terex 72-41
My work picture thread
My work picture thread
Case cx130 problem
Case cx130 problem
287B Hydraulics bogging engine
I have a 2006 Cat 287B XPS High Flow I recently picked up. It has roughly 2600 hrs on it. I'm having a hydraulic issue that bogs down the engine to a stall at idle when I go to feather the right joystick that controls the lift/tilt function. If I push it the joystick quickly for quick movement of the lift/tilt function it does not bog the motor and operates as it should. I have noticed it's mostly when trying to slowly drop arms or tilt back bucket when fine tuning grade. Another...
287B Hydraulics bogging engine
287B Hydraulics bogging engine
Cat 924F wont move
Cat 924F wont move
Screamin' Jimmy Terex 82-40 For Sale ASAP Southern California
Property is sold and owner wishes to have this machine gone off property ASAP.
I'm trying to adjust throttle so I can start engine. Removed hood and cover to governor. linkage does not seem to move freely.
Is there another hidden internal linkage that Is stopping it from moving?
I'm old enough to have run a screaming Jimmy in a Timberjack skidder way back when in northern BC.
Young enough to need to ask more experienced guys for more...
Screamin' Jimmy Terex 82-40 For Sale ASAP Southern California
Screamin' Jimmy Terex 82-40 For Sale ASAP Southern California
Cat 257B MTL bucket dropping
It has happened twice in the last two days.
When I load the bucket and return the control lever back to the neutral position, the bucket begins to dump the material. At the same time, I can hear a squealing noise.
I can raise the bucket up but it will drop as soon as I move control to neutral.
After playing with the control a bit, it will start to work again.
Anyone have any idea where I would start to look for the problem?
Cat 257B MTL bucket dropping
773 front left side chain broke....
773 front left side chain broke....
old model ford 4500 backhoe (steering adjustment)
I need to know the adjustment for the steering assist cyc. on a 4500 backhoe. It looks like the valve dosent move very much we rebushinged the steering arm and need to know a starting point where to set the arm
old model ford 4500 backhoe (steering adjustment)
Skyjack 3219 Scissor Lift Locks Up: Won't Drive or Lift
Skyjack 3219 Scissor Lift Locks Up: Won't Drive or Lift
Skyjack 3219 Scissor Lift Locks Up: Won't Drive or Lift
Crane service manual, parts catalog
Rough Terrain crane - AT, RT series (all model)
Truck Mount - TM, TMS series (all model)
Industrial - AP, YB series (all model)
GMK - All model (2035...7550)
KOBELCO: wheel crane
KOMAT'SU: LW80; LW100, LW250 and crawler crane
KRUPP: All KMK series (4070...6280)
LINKBELT: All model (wheel and crawler)
MANITOWOC: All model from 111 to 31000 series
TADANO-FAUN: Several...
Crane service manual, parts catalog
Crane service manual, parts catalog
Best Place to Buy Hydraulic Hoses?
I want to replace almost all of the 30+ year old hoses on my 1968 580B CK while I am doing a ton of other repairs. I am up to 36 hoses that I need to buy if I want to replace them all. I know my local Napa guy will be way too expensive, as his prices has sky-rocketed over the past years. Who can supply these hoses at a decent price? I will try TractorStuff, and hopefully they will give me a good price. Any others?
Also, in the Case Parts books, it...
Best Place to Buy Hydraulic Hoses?
Best Place to Buy Hydraulic Hoses?
Crane for lifting boats
Crane for lifting boats
D9H refurb: The boring bits
D9H refurb: The boring bits
D9H refurb: The boring bits
Case 1150 will not move
Case 1150 will not move
Case 1150 will not move
Help Please!
Help Please!
Help Please!
773 air conditioning
773 air conditioning
773 air conditioning
High flow?
High flow?
lift cylinder hoses
lift cylinder hoses
lift cylinder hoses
Concrete Dam Removal
Concrete Dam Removal
Concrete Dam Removal
Takeuchi Paint Brand and Paint Code
Does anyone know what the EXACT paint brand and colour code is for takeuchi excavators? The TB138fr?
I'm looking at touching mine up and need to know what brand of paint takeuchi use and what the code is?
Looking for codes for the light grey, darker grey and red.
Any help please guys.
Takeuchi Paint Brand and Paint Code
Komatsu GH 320-2 Motor Grader Parts
I have a Komatsu GH 320-2 snow grader and it's broken 2 gears of it's final drive, I have checked more suppliers and not available in stock and really it needs too much time and money till casting in Komatsu.
So I want to find them or casting them with non genuine parts (aftermarket) types. Is there any advise with good industrial factory?
Mahammad Aziz
Komatsu GH 320-2 Motor Grader Parts
Tracking down hydraulic oil leak
mardi 27 juin 2017
Tracking down hydraulic oil leak
Tracking down hydraulic oil leak
Line Boring Systems
This is how I ended up last year in this forum, while doing a web search for information in regards to line boring.
Needless to say just a ton of good information along with some great pictures of different jobs that are being done around the world on here. My note book is filling up. The sharing of information has been great, one of the reasons I have remained in the trades for this...
Line Boring Systems
Line Boring Systems
Pettibone Super 6 gets heart transplant
Pettibone Super 6 gets heart transplant
Pettibone Super 6 gets heart transplant
Tires vs tracks
Tires vs tracks
753 Series F Bobcat
753 Series F Bobcat
How good is a Grove TMS 475 for a beginner
Crane business ..Being in one of tough places in Africa ,I decided to go for old school Crane with the advise of a local crane operator.
I bought tms475 from canada on 3000hrs, looks good for its age1975,used on the ship yard since day one.
Crane in transit. right now ,I took the sellers word that the crane is in good running. Condition and took a gamble of some sort.
What's your take on a tms 475 (i want to use. it...
How good is a Grove TMS 475 for a beginner
How good is a Grove TMS 475 for a beginner
D6c cat loss of oil pressure
I lost oil pressure on my d6c cat and now it won't start. Any suggestions?
D6c cat loss of oil pressure
pony motor for sale
pony motor for sale
Water in Transmission (Cat Backhoe)
Water in Transmission (Cat Backhoe)
Water in Transmission (Cat Backhoe)
05 freightliner c7 fault code
Can't find nothing on the internet space.
Thanks y'all.
05 freightliner c7 fault code
DEERE 410G Steering good but machine run straight
I check everything is OK
some one can help me please
thank you
DEERE 410G Steering good but machine run straight
preparing for paint?
Im planning on gunking the thing down and preshure washing it. I know the difference between gas and diesel motors as far as gas having the distributor to watch out for getting wet but is there anything to be careful with a diesel when preshure washing it?
preparing for paint?
Michigan 55a
Michigan 55a
Michigan 55a
Cat 226B2 Float Adjust?
I hope you guys can help.
I'm a rookie to the world of skid steers, having bought a used Cat 226B for use on our small property.
My question is around float mode on the hydraulics.
When I put the machine into float, then tilt the bucket say for back blading, the front of the skid steer will lift off the ground. When I reverse the machine, the wheels will drop again only to lift up immediately as I stop.
IS this normal? Is there an adjustment that can be made to reduce...
Cat 226B2 Float Adjust?
Cat 226B2 Float Adjust?
old Italian construction site with old vehicles
old Italian construction site with old vehicles
Komatsu PC75uu-2 Starter Problem
Do I have to take the counterweight off to access the starter, or can I remove enough linkage...
Komatsu PC75uu-2 Starter Problem
Komatsu PC75uu-2 Starter Problem
Just learned of the passing of a member
Just learned of the passing of a member
Hyundia robex 55-3 excavator
Hyundia robex 55-3 excavator
Injector hour life
Injector hour life
CASE W14 Loader
i 've been reading you for very long time, but now decided to join (looks like very nice crowd here :notworthy)
I am considering buying a old CASE W14 loader built 1978. Do you have any usefull advices what to look up, what are weak points of this machine etc, anny advice would be welcomed.
Also there is an option that i am considering to buy JD 544B loader, so let me hear your opinion which is better, and why. Price is the same.
I am living in EU, but i kinda...
CASE W14 Loader
CASE W14 Loader
Hiring work out advice?
lundi 26 juin 2017
Hiring work out advice?
Hiring work out advice?
Clark-Hurth transmission
Dana Spicer Clark-Hurth
Model 12.2HR18312-3
SN ZBEA052620
Aiming to get a service and repair manual and parts book for this. I have to replace the seal as it is weeping and contaminating the driveline park brake disc..
Should I try a Spicer parts dealer?
Any comments on a Model 18000 manual ... is this correct?
Thanks in...
Clark-Hurth transmission
Clark-Hurth transmission
Tool help
Tool help
Tool help
Does he really want a track loader?
We already have a Ford 555 backhoe and a John Deere 5203. We just sold our Cat 955L loader and now my husband thinks he wants a Skid steer. He thinks a skid steer will be able to keep 4 wheeler paths clean,...
Does he really want a track loader?
Does he really want a track loader?
New John Deere Grader coming.
The Township that is looking for a new grader is comparing Deere to Cat. The Deere salesman called me yesterday wanting to demo a grader since the last Deere I ran was a 570. I told him that I liked the Cat M's because of the twin sticks, so bring a 672GP to demo.
After further talk he told me that Deere has a new model grader that will be released...
New John Deere Grader coming.
New John Deere Grader coming.
2005 Freightliner M2 Allison w/ Cat C7 - Tranny acting up
Bad ground?
Bad Fuse?
seems like a electrical issue. clutch test at allison went well.
Looking for direction here. Thank you in advance.
2005 Freightliner M2 Allison w/ Cat C7 - Tranny acting up
1988 Cat 953 - Caterpillar. My First Track Loader
Cat 953 was recently purchased to move dirt, brush, level off stuff the skid steer struggled with.
So far It has been a great machine. When turning on the dam the rear of the loader is hanging over the lake. The holes being repaired are deep, big and steep. Pretty much straight down 10 to 12 feet. Not much room to work.
View attachment 91716
The beauty of a track loader. A wheeled...
1988 Cat 953 - Caterpillar. My First Track Loader
1988 Cat 953 - Caterpillar. My First Track Loader
Excavator blade - what are the plates attached used for?
Please can anyone tell me what these plates attached to each end of my blade are for? On a Kobelco SKO27. Thanks.
Excavator blade - what are the plates attached used for?
Deutz 130 06 power steering motor rebuild
Deutz 130 06 power steering motor rebuild
Walking Motor Pressure Check
Walking Motor Pressure Check
Walking Motor Pressure Check
JD 200LC auxiliary hydraulics
Thanks for all of your help,
JD 200LC auxiliary hydraulics
1088 Case Long Track
1088 Case Long Track
1088 Case Long Track
2016 Terex TC35-2 Issue
We have a 2016 Terex TC35-2 mini excavator that is running in "limp" mode. Some days it will not accelerate when you turn the RPM switch up and will only work at about 20%. It only has 30 hours on it. Does anyone know where the plug-in port is to hook up to the ECM. If we are able to locate that, we can hook the software up to it to see what is going on.
If anyone knows where the ECM plug-in port is, please send a picture or a description of where I can find it!...
2016 Terex TC35-2 Issue
2016 Terex TC35-2 Issue
Komatsu D65e-6 overheat
- Low Fluids - I have been carefully watching coolant/fluid levels...hasn't been a factor.
- Stalling Torque Converter Excessively - I'm new to dozer operation and I realized I may have been stalling the torque...
Komatsu D65e-6 overheat
Komatsu D65e-6 overheat
2001 Genie S60
2001 Genie S60
2001 Genie S60
1997 Genie z45-22 w/ deutz engine starts then dies
Last fall I was having a problem where the machine would start and run, but after a few seconds, would not go to high idle when the function switch was pressed. I thought was the high idle solenoid, then I...
1997 Genie z45-22 w/ deutz engine starts then dies
1997 Genie z45-22 w/ deutz engine starts then dies
JLG 600A sputters and dies when hot - Gas Carburated
I bought this used, and found someone had bent the choke blade...I thought that was it! But cleaned the carb and straightened the choke situation and same. It does start better now...
Swapped the electric fuel pump to...
JLG 600A sputters and dies when hot - Gas Carburated
JLG 600A sputters and dies when hot - Gas Carburated
JLG 60H - Drive wheels STOP when turn switch is used
I have no experience with this type of equipment. Im all automotive and aviation.
We have a JLG 60H man lift that sat for a while. When moving the Lift and attempting to use the turn switch, it abruptly stops the 2WD wheels, resulting in a rather jarring experience.
There may be an issue with the engine not throttling up as well, according to the owner, maybe related, not sure.
I could use any assistance, as Im out of my field here.
Looks like the 3 lever controllers have been...
JLG 60H - Drive wheels STOP when turn switch is used
JLG 60H - Drive wheels STOP when turn switch is used
I was told it may be a sensor on the pumps but unsure were to begin looking. Any help would be appreciated.
580SE Boom circuit issues
580SE Boom circuit issues
580SE Boom circuit issues
KX121-3 auto idle
KX121-3 auto idle
CASE 1150 Equaliser Beam (R55857) repair
Now I am not 100% sure but someone bodged the self aligning bearings in the end of the equaliser on my machine.
There is a solid steel bush in there with a taper on each side to allow it to roll with the track movement; Not good especially since I want to fit the new bearings, pin and end bracket out on the track frame (which we have in stock).
My question is could I cut the ends off the equaliser and machine out the mess then weld it back on; Is the steel of that part...
CASE 1150 Equaliser Beam (R55857) repair
CASE 1150 Equaliser Beam (R55857) repair
Deutz engines in Iveco trucks and diamond reo trucks
this engine but parts were not available so we had to replace this engine the engine was a 5 cyl model 912 which
we purchased from a supplier in lakeland ,fl this same supplier said that Deutz engines were also used in diamond reo
modlel C116 but they used 6 cyl model 1013. I cannot find this information listed anywhere so I thought I would pass
this on to who ever reads this post.
Deutz engines in Iveco trucks and diamond reo trucks
Detroit 60 series issues
Truck idled fine at shop. Went for a test drive bobtail, drove for 15 minutes no problems, ran great.
Hooked onto lowboy trailer, total driving time now of 20 minutes or so, less than a mile from my shop, dies in...
Detroit 60 series issues
Detroit 60 series issues
Cat 951-C in my sights
dimanche 25 juin 2017
Cat 951-C in my sights
Cat 951-C in my sights
mixing river rock and 3/4 minus to build a drive way and shop slab?
First going to build up a dirt driveway the has wore away from time. need to rise it about a 1ft and up to 2 feet in some spots its about 350ft long
Thinking about 3/4minus base pack it down do a layer of river rock in center cap with gravel and fines pack down cover with 3/4 minus. Looking for idea never working with river rock before. this place is up in the mountains about 45 miles away from place i will be buying the 3/4...
mixing river rock and 3/4 minus to build a drive way and shop slab?
mixing river rock and 3/4 minus to build a drive way and shop slab?
Buying John Deere 450J
Buying John Deere 450J
John Deere 35D - Looking for Operator and Service manuals
Trying my first Deer construction equipment, so far dealer is stingy compared to Bobcat...
They want to charge for electronic copies of these manuals. Even an operators manual....come on! These should be free for everything. Service manual is debatable, but if your buying their machine and their parts, where is the good will.

John Deere 35D - Looking for Operator and Service manuals
Bleeding Brakes On A Cat 953 20Z01 "A" Series Loader
Anyway, on to my particular question. I had to replace a rusted out brake line which was...
Bleeding Brakes On A Cat 953 20Z01 "A" Series Loader
Bleeding Brakes On A Cat 953 20Z01 "A" Series Loader
Bobcat ind. fork grapple
Bobcat ind. fork grapple
What Machine do I Need?
I now live on acerage and it has become clear to me that I'm going to need a piece of diesel machinery to get a lot of pending jobs done. Hiring machinery doesn't seem to be an option when you consider the price and the ongoing work. I want some advice about what type of machine is right for me. Basically I need it for...
Small excavations up to 1.5 m deep
Post hole boring (fencing and retaining walls)
Earth moving
Clearing rubbish (cars, steel, junk really)
Clearing small wattle...
What Machine do I Need?
What Machine do I Need?
Knocked a little paint off my own
Knocked a little paint off my own
Knocked a little paint off my own
Komatsu PC4000 Undercarriage for sale.
Or if anyone is aware of any Vendors that might be into selling Undercarriage this size.
We don't have a ton of work left for this unit and hoping to save a little cash and not pay for brand new.
Komatsu PC4000 Undercarriage for sale.
3304 oil pressure
3304 oil pressure
Construction companies in British Columbia
Construction companies in British Columbia
Dresser Dozer gear shifter pushes itself forward
Dresser Dozer gear shifter pushes itself forward
Dresser Dozer gear shifter pushes itself forward
The "not so heavy equipment" photo thread
The "not so heavy equipment" photo thread
The "not so heavy equipment" photo thread
Demolition, clearing and grading
View attachment 118963
View attachment 118964
View attachment 118965
View attachment 118966 ...
Demolition, clearing and grading
Demolition, clearing and grading
580C brake hose replacement cost
It took a couple of adapter fittings so the total to replace the hose and 2 ft. of line was 18 bucks. a lot of difference in cost.
I first took it to advance auto and they were lost, the Nappa guys are the best when it comes to figuring stuff out and happy to...
580C brake hose replacement cost
580C brake hose replacement cost
Morooka mk
Morooka mk
Torque hub ?
samedi 24 juin 2017
View attachment 170913 View attachment 170914 Notice no markings on the tag, anyone be able to guess a model number. Thanks.
Torque hub ?
Climax line boring bar for sale BB1149 (BB5000 with 2" bore), Mics, OTC press, turnkey $40k
please look up...
Climax line boring bar for sale BB1149 (BB5000 with 2" bore), Mics, OTC press, turnkey $40k
Climax line boring bar for sale BB1149 (BB5000 with 2" bore), Mics, OTC press, turnkey $40k
Drive train extremely sluggish
Hello- I have a cat 289c skid steer with 1900 hours on it. I was running my forestry mulcher HF (which i have done many other times before) and the drive ability went extremely sluggish all of a sudden after about 1.5 hours use. The attachment still had good flow to it. I drove it about a tenth of a mile up my driveway to drop the attachment at a very slow speed. After disconnecting the...
Drive train extremely sluggish
Drive train extremely sluggish
A question for the indy mechanics
I've had a lot of calls lately for short work and have entertained the thought of going on my own. I believe there is enough work to make decent money at but the insurance keeps me where I'm at for now.
Let's keep this civil and non political, I just am seeking some of the solutions you have found.
A question for the indy mechanics
deere 160lc problems
deere 160lc problems
deere 160lc problems
Repowerguy's crane repower
Repowerguy's crane repower
New Holland L175 Park Light problem
New Holland L175 Park Light problem
New Holland L175 Park Light problem
troubleshooting a hitachi ex 100-2 electical issue
I have service manuals for the machine but nothing is in them about troubleshooting electrical issues or how to go about testing for problems.
Has anyone made a "test" harness before in order to figure out what is going on, or where can I buy a laptop to hook up myself along with the harness's to hook to the laptop??
My pump...
troubleshooting a hitachi ex 100-2 electical issue
troubleshooting a hitachi ex 100-2 electical issue
Rear Bucket Quick Attach
Does it cause the dipper to be further away from the original pivot?
Thanks, my search skills are not very good. In fact, very poor is closer to correct.
Rear Bucket Quick Attach
Case 580CK oil questions
Case 580CK oil questions
Case 580CK oil questions
Forage harvesting -Alfalfa
Our mower: View attachment 170896 View attachment 170897 View attachment 170898
Forage harvesting -Alfalfa
Fly ash reinforced pads
The material is brought in with grain hoppers and I tell ya it's just a fantastic joyful process that leaves...
Fly ash reinforced pads
Fly ash reinforced pads
CAT 312C Final Drive
CAT 312C Final Drive
any help would be great.
1965 530CK torque converter/shuttle not engaging
I am having a similar problem as several posts I have seen on here. And have done similar things so far and am still scratching my head.
I've read a few posts that are making sense. Would be great to get clarity on them.
Let's start with the torque tube drain plugs. I have found the 9/16(1" wrench) plugs under the torque converter and gear box but the Allen head plugs are confusing. Are they inside the hole of the outer plug and how do I line them up if working alone.
Next I can get...
1965 530CK torque converter/shuttle not engaging
1965 530CK torque converter/shuttle not engaging
Terex TA40 gearshift problems
Terex TA40 gearshift problems
Terex TA40 gearshift problems
70xt hydraulic problem
70xt hydraulic problem
70xt hydraulic problem
Case 70XT Auxiliary flow rate ???? Did Case LIE?
Question: What is the ((Potential)) auxiliary flow rate UP TO the attachment quick couplers? I’m aware Case installed the common ½” body size quick couplers that are only 12+/- gpm.
I’ve researched the Danfoss gear pump on back end of engine that supplies hydraulics to the loader arm, bucket tilt...
Case 70XT Auxiliary flow rate ???? Did Case LIE?
Case 70XT Auxiliary flow rate ???? Did Case LIE?
ASV RC100 charging issue
ASV RC100 charging issue
ASV RC100 charging issue
D9H refurb: The boring bits
D9H refurb: The boring bits
D9H refurb: The boring bits
BC logging equipment left to rust
vendredi 23 juin 2017
BC logging equipment left to rust
best way to go is build a truck with a Z353 Zacklift with 25,000 lb stiff legs and a 30,000 lb drag winch.
Looking at a 2000 379 Pete with a 450 hp Series 60 and 10spd with 3:55's. I will stretch it to 300 WB.
And just install some tool boxes and tandem fenders. Sort of like this one. But it will be a permanent
mounted lift.
Truck Shop
View attachment 167483
New member to the scene.. Wanted to share a few pics with everyone.
New member to the scene.. Wanted to share a few pics with everyone.
front brakes pulling to the left
front brakes pulling to the left
front brakes pulling to the left
580B backhoe hydraulic pump shaft?
580B backhoe hydraulic pump shaft?
Bobcat fuel pick up tube repairs
On early machines they used a flexible...
Bobcat fuel pick up tube repairs
Bobcat fuel pick up tube repairs
New Kubota U35 - Track Care

New Kubota U35 - Track Care
Kobelco hydraulic excavators
2) is your machine acting up and not running the way it should?
3) do you require help pin-pointing the root cause of the problem?
4) do you have any unanswered questions?
5) are you looking for manuals specific to your model and by serial number?
please post your topics here. i will do my best to help out.
as i am also sure and gladly invite the other experienced...
Kobelco hydraulic excavators
Kobelco hydraulic excavators
Case 530 CK Diesel
Case 530 CK Diesel
Case 530 CK Diesel
tl 140 auxiliary hydraulics, soft start/stop
tl 140 auxiliary hydraulics, soft start/stop
Kobelco loss of power
Kobelco SK200Lc Mark IV. 5.9 Cummins. A couple hundred hours ago the engine started to surge at low idle. If I bumped up the rpm's a couple hundred revs it would be fine. It seemed to be worse when it was cold or when I first started it up. It had good power and no other issues. All new filters and some fuel additive but it still surges at very low idle. New fuel shut-off solenoid about 700 hours ago.
Now within the last 50...
Kobelco loss of power
Kobelco loss of power
580k fuel problems
580k fuel problems
Tow Motor Forklift Model and Year?
I have called forklift parts stores and they say have to have year and model to get right clutch. I was
told to take to store to match but they can't help me. Hope someone can help me.
Tow Motor Forklift Model and Year?
Tracks lifetime
I have a CAT 320DL and got it with ±4000hrs.
Now at 8000hrs, have I replaced the chains.
How much traveling is too much for an excavator per shift/day/month?
I am making money through rental to a client.
The machine travel quite a bit per shift.
I am concerned about the traveling and want to discuss this with my client.
I am safe to say 8000hrs on CAT320 tracks?
Tracks lifetime
The JLG 40F Boom Lift Dilemma
The JLG 40F Boom Lift Dilemma
The JLG 40F Boom Lift Dilemma
Cat no 12 grader starter conversion
Cat no 12 grader starter conversion
Cat no 12 grader starter conversion
Digging question
Digging question
Digging question
JD210c backhoe questions "Full-power-shift reverser"
I bought it as a parts only machine. Had to rebuild the reverser so I know how it works mechanically. I figure smooth operation would be easier on the machine as well.
JD210c backhoe questions "Full-power-shift reverser"
Just took delivery of new mini
Just took delivery of new mini
GEHL 4240 Problem
I hav a problem with my GEHL 4240, it runs perfect but the beeping don`t stop and then after 30 seconds the engine shut down. Sometimes the beeping will stop and the it runs without any problems for hours.
GEHL 4240 Problem
JCB Rack and Pinion Slew
JCB Rack and Pinion Slew
JCB Rack and Pinion Slew
Fixing Pumps over the phone
jeudi 22 juin 2017
It doesn't cost me a dime to "help out".. OR so I thought..
I started saying>> "I'm sorry but I no longer fix pump/tractors over the phone.. IF you would like to bring me the equipment, I'd be happy to have a look at it for you.. OR you can pull the pump & bring...
Fixing Pumps over the phone
Fixing Pumps over the phone
Grizzly Trucks
I lived and worked in North Van when these trucks were built..I had just finished my 10 years at Pacific ..
This is truck #1 of 13 or 14 trucks..It has been on the Island for years and...
Grizzly Trucks
Grizzly Trucks
Allis Hd 11- but not quite factory
View attachment 170821 View attachment 170822
For only $10,000 it could be yours too. From the ad:
Allis Chalmers hd11 dozer with Cummins motor in it works and runs better than...
Allis Hd 11- but not quite factory
Allis Hd 11- but not quite factory
Transit mixer
Transit mixer
Bomag BW172D
Bomag BW172D
Hitachi EX 100-3 fuel Issue
Hitachi EX 100-3 fuel Issue
boom suddenly will not raise
I have an older (1998) Versalift bucket truck - an old AT&T vehicle. One morning, I went to raise the boom and there was a 5 second delay or so before it began to raise normally. I lowered the boom and the problem went away for several raise-lower cycles. Then the boom would no longer raise at all.
The hydraulic system is pretty basic. There is a...
boom suddenly will not raise
boom suddenly will not raise
John Deere 500 C TLB with 4270D engine will not start !!! HelpPPP !!!!
Have a JD 500C TLB that is my buddies that i'm using to put a couple grinder pumps in, then i'm going to clean and fix it up and sell it for him.
I was running it the other day and she was running fine, just driving it across the yard and all of a sudden it shut right down, the throttle was open,
tried starting,she would kick with a shot of either but thats it. I took the fuel lift pump off, it was gummed up bad so i bought a new one, and put...
John Deere 500 C TLB with 4270D engine will not start !!! HelpPPP !!!!
John Deere 500 C TLB with 4270D engine will not start !!! HelpPPP !!!!
Case 850 Transmission
Case 850 Transmission
Case 850 Transmission
Clark Michigan 175C Loader Only moving in reverse
Clark Michigan 175C Loader Only moving in reverse
Clark Michigan 175C Loader Only moving in reverse
Michigan 55a
Michigan 55a
Michigan 55a
TB 175
do not have a fuel problem with other equipment. This is somewhat intermittent. It will run fine for hours, and then start "bogging" down. Any ideas?
TB 175
Deere CT332 Total undercarriages/Tracks for sale
more and are in great shape. it includes 2 tracks, 2 sprockets, 4 front/rear rollers, 10 idlers.
below are part numbers for reference:
FRONT/REAR IDLER: AT366458, ID2076, qty: 4
ROLLER: AT366460, ID2802, qty: 10
SPROCKET: T239480AM, ID2641, qty: 2
TRACK: RTC00507S-WI, 450X86X56, qty: 2
Deere CT332 Total undercarriages/Tracks for sale
Deere CT332 Total undercarriages/Tracks for sale
Excavator Desk Lamp Organizer
I just thought someone here would be intrested
Link below View attachment 170812 View attachment 170813 View attachment 170814 View attachment 170815
Excavator Desk Lamp Organizer
Tailgating New Haul Trucks
Tailgating New Haul Trucks
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