Cat 910 Wheel Loader. Drive problem

vendredi 21 mars 2014

I've a pretty old 910 loader (80U2873). When I start up, I've got reverse, neutral, 1st, 2nd and 3rd gears. after a short time (2 or 3 mins or a few gear changes) I lose ALL drive.

I've replaced all 'O' rings in the Transmission (Tx) Oil Pump suction line, I've checked the Left side "Tx Disconnect Brake pedal". Tx oil level is correct. Oil pump puts out heaps of oil. I noticed that the "modulating relief valve" and the "load piston" (and the cylinders that they operate in, in the oil pump housing) seemed a bit 'glazed', and with a bit of a "wear lip" so I removed the glaze and most of the lip (from both pistons and cylinders) with very fine emery wet/dry, this then gave me about 30/45 mins of usage with the old girl before drive ceased once again.

I found that I could 'creep' back home (bout 200 metres/2300 yds) in first gear at an idle, any revs, drive stopped.

Hope one of you forum members can point me in the right direction. Its my first effort at using the forum so please bear with me if I stuff up the system....

Many thanks

**** R

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