Coffee additives

mardi 25 mars 2014

Any one that knows me know I am a Coffee - holic . If anyone ever needed a caffeine intervention I am it . Morning , noon or night .. all year long . If I'm not over 100 degrees , There is a cup in my hand . That also means every once in a while I will change it a bit .

My big change is a teaspoon to a table spoon of Hershey's Chocolate syrup which the Lovely Mrs Tiny Keeps for me . The lovely Mrs. Tiny has been using my coffee additive for cooking and baking which I don't have a problem with because I benefit from that . I have also found out that "The Kid " has been using for his ice cream and I get ZERO benefit from that :mad:

Couple that with the weather which has been moody as a teenage girl between boyfriends , So much so that we haven't been to the store for 3 weeks . All of this means we were out of Chocolate syrup . So I poured a cup of regular brew and with about my normal stuff . However my mind started working about how I was going to fix this , Bingo!!!! the answer was in the fridge .

I remembered the Lovely Mrs. Tiny had some semi sweet chocolate chips in the fridge . Both of them Hersey's so It's gotta work . Went to the fridge and grabbed a hand full and was pretty pleased with myself , My superior intellect figured a work around and I still got what I wanted and deserved even after the brat had stolen my supply of sweet goodness . I sat down and dropped a dozen or so chips in that cup of hot coffee . Then I thought ahh just put them all in .

Took my spoon and stirred like I always had . Churned the pile of sweetness like normal then laid the spoon down . I looked up at the computer monitor and saw that SOMEONE WAS WRONG ON THE INTERNET , THIS CANNOT STAND ;) . Took care of some web site work . I reached down in the middle of all this and took a sip of my coffee and it tasted like straight coffee . Thought It just needed stirred again . Another sip and straight coffee . humm .

So now I know something is up . So I drank the now guzzling temp coffee down to see what was up . When I saw the bottom of the cup it looked nasty . The chips had only melt into little piles of brown goo . It looked like umm , well you can guess . So here's the kicker . I was suppose to stay out of the chips because because the Lovely Mrs. Tiny had something planned for them . So going to the kitchen to clean the mess out of the bottom of the cup would not work , She was there . I wanted no part of the hearing damage that would happen , I opted for the little bathroom .

I turned the hot water full on and let it run in that cup . Nothing melted or moved . Using the towel would insure death so I grab a handful of toilet paper . It took 3 gobs of paper to get that stuff out . I tossed them in the trash then looked back , I nearly gagged at the site of that brown goo and toilet paper . The Lovely Mrs. Tiny still can't figure out why I volunteered to take out the trash without being asked .

Needless to say we are headed to town today for supplies .

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