tb125 questions - what's normal?

jeudi 29 janvier 2015

recently bought an 04 takeuchi tb125 with 3300 hrs on it. I'm not terribly familiar with mini x's in general, but I was hoping someone could weigh in on what's normal operation for one of these. a couple things I notice - when in high speed travel mode it doesn't have enough power to turn. it can turn slightly by slowing one track momentarily during travel, but this is just enough to nudge it a bit. normal? sometimes it seems like it barely has enough power to turn even in slow mode, other times it seems to have plenty. it will always spin the tracks if I try to push too much dirt with the blade. also, the engine starts up first turn every time and sounds great, but it hazes smoke now and then when under load. doesn't seem to use oil much if at all. is that to be expected with 3300 hours on it? as far as digging goes I'm plenty happy, seems like it has enough power to pull itself over in nearly any position.

tb125 questions - what's normal?

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