Tracked Skid Steers.... Which one is the best all around...

mardi 28 avril 2015

Im doing a little research on skid steers with tracks. I rented a Bobcat S300 this winter and absouloutly loved it. I want to sell my track loader and buy s skid steer. I have thought about it and I think the tracked machine would work the best for me since there is a lot of wet and soft areas around and a wheel skid steer would be stuck all the time. My knowledge of skid steers is pretty limited so I thought I would ask you guys... and gals if what you think. The main thing I would like to know is how the undercarrage is on each one... Bobcat.. John deere cat newholland all seem to have a diffrent track system on them. Which one would hold up the best? What do you all think?

Tracked Skid Steers.... Which one is the best all around...

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