How much work do you need to justify buying a dozer?

samedi 29 août 2015

I have some jobs coming up where I need to clear approximately 100 miles of right of way. It is mostly mesquite brush and in the past when I have hired dozing contractors to do it they get 3-4 miles a day with a D5 sized machine. I figure roughly 25-35 days of work. I have ran a dozer maybe one week and really don't know a whole lot about them. We have skid steers and backhoes but no dozers.

I am contemplating doing this dozing myself. First thought was just rent one but then I got to looking and a lot of fairly decent machines can be found in the 40-50k range. I think renting one is probably 4-500 a day so for what I would pay in rent would nearly pay for half of the machine.

I have jobs like this maybe 2-3 times a year. Maybe I could find other uses for it as well not sure. Should I even consider a purchase or just rent one or contract it out?

How much work do you need to justify buying a dozer?

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