Deere forestry machine voltage light on hour meter doesn't work?

dimanche 2 août 2015

On my 2554 I've got the battery indicator light on in cluster. I was told by the original owner that the Deere's they run often have the hour meters stop counting after a alternator failure. I've checked alternator output and it is within spec (approx 28.6v if I remember correctly). I don't like having warning lights on and the hour meter not reading kind of bothers me, anyone have any thoughts on where I could start?
I would also like to track down service manuals for this machine (the operators manuals where missing when I purchased it as well), the service manual listed on the Deere bookstore is only $45 dollars so I'm thinking it's not what I'm looking for. Would be nice to learn to read trouble codes and do more thorough troubleshooting as the nearest Deere dealership is 4 hrs from my work area and I prefer to do most of my own wrenching.

Deere forestry machine voltage light on hour meter doesn't work?

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