Nice forum here and thanks beforehand for any help guys, it is MUCH appreciated and pardon my complete noobness i am a welder/fitter by trade and don't have much (any) experience with heavy equipment though i"m a very competent mechanic so i'm not completely useless in this regard..just a matter of learning
My dilemma is this, Im in possession of a late 70's case 780 That I Inherited from my father who died a number of months ago. I spent a lot of weekends at our cottage with him growing up and he would always be using this great backhoe however he never really showed me how to use it when i was younger and he died being the only one knowing its quirks and special places to hit with a wrench. Its leaky and guzzles diesel but works fine including all of the hydraulics which i have checked. however for some reason i cant get it into gear. The brakes are really shoddy so before i have a chance to feel them out i wanted to lift it off the back wheels to try to see if i can get power to the wheels but i cannot. I have checked the mechanical linkeage from the lever in the cockpit to the tranny and its all intact. Any ideas what Im doing wrong/could be wrong? neither reverse or forward in any speed get the wheels turning
My dilemma is this, Im in possession of a late 70's case 780 That I Inherited from my father who died a number of months ago. I spent a lot of weekends at our cottage with him growing up and he would always be using this great backhoe however he never really showed me how to use it when i was younger and he died being the only one knowing its quirks and special places to hit with a wrench. Its leaky and guzzles diesel but works fine including all of the hydraulics which i have checked. however for some reason i cant get it into gear. The brakes are really shoddy so before i have a chance to feel them out i wanted to lift it off the back wheels to try to see if i can get power to the wheels but i cannot. I have checked the mechanical linkeage from the lever in the cockpit to the tranny and its all intact. Any ideas what Im doing wrong/could be wrong? neither reverse or forward in any speed get the wheels turning
Help Needed: Case 780 Wont go into Gear
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