Dozer winching against a deadman ice anchor

lundi 1 février 2016

So I have a great little JD 350 with a 24T carco winch on it, I have this tree that's pretty big and leaning toward something I don't want smashed, namely the house, I'd either like it to fall toward the lake or parallel to the house. It got me to wondering, ususally about mid winter, in a month or two, there's usually 1.5 feet of ice on the lake, so I started wondering, if I cut a small hole and dropped in a short I beam with a chain fastened to the middle, how much strain would it take. With the dozer near the shore, the angle from the dozer to a good purchase on the tree is well beyond 45 degrees, I'd like the angle a lot more shallow, say 20 degrees and also much higher up on the tree itself.

My guestimation is that maybe a max of 1 - 1.5 tons of force on the tree would make with friction 2.5 - 3.5 tons of force on the deadman anchor.

Anyone ever tried to use an ice anchor deadman before? I suppose I could put a full pull on the winch and see if it would drag the dozer.

Dozer winching against a deadman ice anchor

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