Advice please

jeudi 21 avril 2016

Hello everyone. I'm considering purchasing a ctl and forestry mulcher. I'll probably go with a JD 323 ctl because they are the only dealership local here. I currently work shift work at a paper mill and have for the last 17 years. I'm hoping I can start out doing jobs on my off days and eventually go full time with the ctl and mulcher. I've run skid steers, doziers, payloaders, for several years at the mill so I'm not completely ignorant when it comes to running equipment. I was just wondering/hoping some of y'all could give me some advice on the business side of things. My biggest concern is getting enough business to make payments on equipment. Thanks in advance for any info and advice! Also, I was told JD is discontinuing production of the 333 ctl. That's what I was considering until I was told that. Would y'all stay away from that model knowing they are discontinuing it? Thanks again guys!

Advice please

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