CAT 225 Excavator issue

jeudi 21 avril 2016

Hello all,

I bought a CAT 225 in 2009, used it for about 500 hours logging and digging 3 ponds on some personally owned property. The previous owner had replaced the 3208 with a reman some years before I bought the machine. He said he had to make special motor mount brackets for the back of the engine:
For whatever reason, he put 3/8" thick bar under the pump drive housing mounting locations. On the front of the engine, it doesn't look like he changed anything:
The previous owner told me after replacing the 3208, the new engine would overheat, so to remedy that problem he raised the hood above the exhaust on some standoff's:
I used the machine like this for many years, but it always bothered me. Now I would like to get to the bottom of the issue.

I decided I would like to replace the 4 blade fan with a 6 blade fand from the supplemental cooling group, you can see the 2 fans here:
This past weekend I tried to change out the fans, when I did, the 6 blade fan was hitting the welded on shroud of the radiator on the bottom, but had 1" of clearance on the top:
So, the openning in the shroud is not centered with the rotational axis of the water pump.

I have been racking my brain trying to figure out what is amiss. The parts book for the engine mounting shows no spacers at either the front or back of the engine to lift it up 1/2" :
Looking at the radiator, I thought that it might be aftermarket, as it was made by GTI (General Thermodynamics Inc.) :
I talked to GTI applications engineering dept. and they said they made these OEM for Caterpillar company. So, it is not aftermarket.

So this leaves me wondering, why is there this 1/2" discrepancy? I'm trying to get this 6 blade fan on to see if I can put the hood down and run the machine without it overheating. At one point in time I did put the hood down with the 4 blade fan, and while working on one of my ponds, the machine did overheat, put the hood back up, and everything was fine.

So I am still left with the following questions after my investigation into the issue:

1) Has any other 225 51U owner have this radiator shroud issue?

2) Why would a 3208 that replaced a 3208 need those special engine mounts on the back near the pump drive?

3) Why would a reman 3208 overheat unless the hood was raised?

I hope someone can shed soem light on my issue.

CAT 225 Excavator issue

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