spectra-physics laserplane 220 rotates but laser wont turn on.

dimanche 3 avril 2016

I have a 1995 model spectra-physics rotating laser. It has been great.
All the sudden, it seems to spin...but the red light that indicates that it is out of level is on and the laser does not come on.
This is odd because it usually does not spin or turn the laser on if the frog eye is out of level.
I took the screws out and looked at it...but I didnt turn any screws yet.....
The motor works. The belt or o-ring isnt broken. Everything on the inside looks good.
I see the little warning sticker that states "invisible laser radiation beam. warning stay away". Never knew it was radiation...just thought it was bad for the eyes....

Anyways...this problem seems to begin with corrosion on the battery terminals. Cleaned those up and now this...

This unit is still being made under a different model number.
I can't seem to find parts or any info on trouble shooting online.

I have found a few for parts on ebay at a couple of hundred bucks.
I also need the plastic piece that the thumb screw leveling things push against. not that important but I would like to have it in good condition.

I am just thinking that I need it calibrated anyways.....Maybe its worth taking in for repair or should I repair myself from a parts unit and then have calibrated?

If I had to buy a new unit....what unit to buy? Next one I buy I want one that does dual slope. I would love to be able to set up for a sewer pipe..or specific slope....
Someone told me that Bosch was top of the line now?

Anyways...I hope someone on here could help me.
I am in Georgia in the NorthEast Corner.....


spectra-physics laserplane 220 rotates but laser wont turn on.

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