Job responsibility in service shop

jeudi 23 avril 2015

I am looking for some insight or clarification on an issue. At the current place of work we have a service dept that handles customer equipment repairs and company rentals( I believe you should have two managers one for rental and one for customer repairs). The first question is what role does the parts manager/parts guy play, should he be doing all the parts lookup and ordering? Right now the mechanics have to do all the research and submit it to the parts manager. I see two things wrong with this. One you are not utilizing the mechanic to perform repairs and two how do you recoup the mechanics time spent researching parts, you shouldn't bill the customer for this time, should you? I should also mention that mechanics are paid hourly and parts guy is salary. I am looking for any advise or tips on how to make this work better!

I would also like to know the difference between a quote and estimate? Many times a customer wants a quote or estimate for doing a job. Most of the time the company doesn't want to tear something open to find out exactly what is needed, so how can you properly quote the job?

Thank you in advance for your help!!

Job responsibility in service shop

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