G188 flyweel throw oil In starter

vendredi 29 janvier 2016

Hi everyone, m' pretty impress about all good info we Can find In this forum . Very helpfull!

I have a 1971 case 480B loader/backoe . Just had to flush and replace the 7.6 l shuttle oil this week cause there was too much water In it and was freezing.
I also had some starter prob. It took lots of key stroke before it would engage. So removed and clean the selenoïd which i found was all soiled with that old watered shuttle oil.
Can someone tell me if it' s normal to find shuttle oil In flyweel compartment? Result is that it throws it In starter selenoïd as there is a passage In bendix fork mechanism that is not sealed ?

Thank you much!

G188 flyweel throw oil In starter

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