NOOB: Gravel Parking Lot

mercredi 27 janvier 2016

Been reading this forum and watching dozer vids like crazy for days now...for hours at a time. I will continue to do so moving forward. Great info.
I have a small bar in Houston with a small asphalt parking area and a large grassy area that's mostly flat but too bumpy for cars. I've been getting busy lately and need more parking because vehicles are getting stuck in certain spots.
It rains too often and the grassy area isn't compacted. I got quotes and just couldn't afford it.:Pointhead
I have to do this myself due to finances. I have operated skids, tractors and such but never a dozer. I have a customer & experienced uncle who will operate the dozer for free if I rent one. My uncle lives about 4 hours away & it keeps raining during the time he's off work to come and do it.
It's a little less than an acre of grassy land. I used a loader (needed a dozer) to spread about 30 loads of dirt and the grade is all wrong and not compacted.
When I got quotes they said they'd level, compact, spread the gravel and compact the gravel. This is what I want to do. I'm going to install 4" of gravel on it for now and come back and put another 4" later. I'm trying to do as much as I can with what I have to work with.
My uncle said rent a dozer for him so I was going to get a Case 550 or similar from Aztec and a sheepfoot roller (idk what size). I'm buying the gravel directly from the yard, Southern Crushed Concrete, with delivery. It's raining now. If it's not too sloppy, and he's off work, he'll come do it and I'm fine. If not, I have to utilize my customer, myself or just postpone it all.
I have a huge Super Bowl Party coming and they're planning to tailgate in that area but it's too muddy and they're worried. I am as well so I'm trying to get something done. If you guys can offer advice I'd sure take it. And appreciate it. I WANT to jump on that dozer and scrape, grade and compact it myself since the area is relatively small figuring I could 'fix' the mess ups. So that's why I'm asking for your advice and expertise. Thanks.

NOOB: Gravel Parking Lot

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