Cat 289D w/ Level Best GPS-For HIRE

jeudi 22 septembre 2016

I'm wanting to get out of California. I've invested quite a bit of money into this setup, and the capabilities of this setup are game changing. I'm hoping that this setup will help me get work out of the comunist state that have grown up in. I own (4) skid steers with almost every attachment needed, and other pieces of equipment to do asphalt and concrete work, but I'm not looking to push or move any of that right now. My main goal is to find work for my CTL and Level-Best attachment. I own a 140H blade with Topcon, and I can tell you right now, any site less than 3 acres is where this machine setup shines. If anyone has any information or leads on where I can find work out of California, I would greatly appreciate it. I will work anywhere, and enjoy changes/challenges.

Cat 289D w/ Level Best GPS-For HIRE

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