perkins down

dimanche 18 septembre 2016

hello-my name is Bill. Our neibor has a massey with a a4-236 perkins diesel.Heres some history and symptoms. Old man Hadley replaced the block and crank, he installed new sleeves and for the life of me ,I dont know but he replaced only one piston.The injectors were rebuilt at bootheel diesel-a reputable bunch and the head was gone thru at a local machine shop.After all that she wont start. it seems to have compression and smokes heavy with some raw fuel at the exhaust. WE have a manual and at 23degrees btdc the C mark on the pump is at the flat on the snap ring just as the book shows. it will also begin to throw fuel out the #1 line on comp stroke at 23 deg. At tdc on #1 the companion cyl-#4 valves are rocking and we observed the intake on #4 opening 3 flywheel teeth btdc and then the exh closing 5 flywheel teeth atdc . Hadly swears all the timing marks were aligned I sure wish I had seen it. One other clue- we did get it to fire by turning the pump as far as it would go in the direction of rotation while heating the intake air with one of those supersonic hair dryers. Any helpful advice would kindly be appreciated.

perkins down

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