skidsteer rock/skeleton bucket…Any luck?

jeudi 3 septembre 2015

I have about 20-25 yards of loose stoney soil I removed to prep for sidewalks and the clients want to try and use some to level low spots and make a small berm, as well as use the bigger stones to build up and support some steeper banks and ditches….the stones in the soil are useful to the clients and I wouldn't mind getting them clear when I need to grade with the leftover spoils…

I am wondering about borrowing or renting a skeleton bucket to do this, has any one had luck with this? I am only looking to separate the stones that are about 3-4 inches and bigger. is worth the effort, or will i just be spending the day rattling my bucket and filling my face with dust.

any thoughts would be great

skidsteer rock/skeleton bucket…Any luck?

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