New Job as 'sales/ops coordinator' but having trouble knowing equipment, HELP!

samedi 2 janvier 2016

Hell there!

Basically I graduated and applied for a few jobs and 'sales/ops coordinator' for an Equipment Rental business sounded exciting and paid decent for just graduating. I told them I have limited knowledge of construction equipment but I was still hired.

Now that I am working there, I am having a hard time. I will get calls asking for Skid-Steer attachments, 10k rentals, 130 excavator (among many other names), etc. and I am just lost.

Is there any good guide online for all equipment and/or attachements in this industry (along the commonly rented equipment line ... i.e. forklifts, excavators, booms/manlifts, etc) AND any good guides on driving this equipment? or just an outline of the controls?

Any help is appreciated, thanks

New Job as 'sales/ops coordinator' but having trouble knowing equipment, HELP!

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