Pricing rails , pads and segmnets for 943

dimanche 24 janvier 2016

After looking my undercarriage situation over , I called about pricing the rails pads and segments. So far I have 2 quotes , one from Whayne the Cat dealer for 8200. The other is from Brandeis , Komatsu dealer for 5700. The Cat guy was telling me that I needed to use the heavy duty Cat u/c that has a 4000 hr warranty. I asked about the Cat classic , he said they don't make a classic to fit my 943. The other brand is ITR which also has a 4000 hr warranty. I can't see the 2500 difference or why its that much. This machine might see 500 hrs a year. I hear that ITR is ok on the lighter machines where as from a D6 / D65 size up you need the better undercarriage due to weight and added hp. Right now I'm leaning towards ITR. I would like another quote if I can find someone to send it.

Pricing rails , pads and segmnets for 943

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