Cat d4d steering issue

mardi 3 mai 2016

Cat D4d Serial number 82J1567. pulled bevel gear out because right drive clutch would not engage. Everything was an oily mess on both sides. Cleaned up and put new clutches, brakes, drums and seals in. Went to test it today and still issue with right side. So, I thought it was the final. But took cover off bottom of final and inspected. Everything is tight. Took off cover to clutch adjustment and watched to see if top of final was moving. It was not. So, i definitely have an issue in the right side drive clutch not releasing pressure. My question is there anything else I could be missing or am i hanging up on some of the clutch splines? I have adjusted the clutches so that there is a lot of free travel in the handle. The long I hold the left clutch in and try and get the right side to spin it starts to grab very slowly. Not sure if this is usual or not and not wanting to burn up the clutch on the right side. AND really not wanting to tear this thing down again. Thoughts?

Cat d4d steering issue

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