Cat d8k 30" TRACK PADS

dimanche 22 mai 2016

I have a nice d8k with 30" track pads yes they made 30" for d8k
I called cat dealer a year ago and the guy told me he did find the after searching they were 5500.00 dollars but did not need that tractor at the time so I passed not wanting to spend the money until I totally redid the undercarriage the parts guy isn't there any longer just young kids they don't have any clue lol.
they just said 24" is all they can find cat made 22" 24" 26" 28" and 30" pads for d8k's
my old the grousers are worn badly I have bought new undercarridge except for pads most of my work is in soft footing and would really like to experience one with new 30" pads
Does anyone here have a part# or reference for 30" track pads d8k-d8h

if so please post info thanks

Cat d8k 30" TRACK PADS

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