Hello everyone.
I'm hoping some of the expertise on this forum can help me. I am having issues with my kobelco sk210 lc-8 POURING black smoke when it's under load. Only under load. I can rev it high and it's fine, but as soon as I lift the boom or perform any function with the controls it pours black smoke. Here's what we have done so far to troubleshoot:
A little history: We had it at a friends house and it was running fine. We had a blizzard with about 2 foot of snow. Long story short, after the snow melted, we went to move it. about 20 feet and it died. After a fuel pump replacement and filters, we came to find out the entire Lower fuel filter housing was completely packed full of mud. So after all that was cleaned up it was running great...probably put 50 more hours on it....Then we moved it to a new job and noticed it was slowly losing power and more black smoke, so we stopped running it. Replaced the filters again and then took the fuel tank off and scraped a significant amount of smelly mud and random parts that didn't belong in the tank. Didn't help.
First thing that came to our minds was not enough air and too much fuel.....
* First we checked for dirty air filters. Ran the machine without them for a quick test. Not the problem. However from sitting a mouse had built a nest in there... and to my luck when I had my head down in the engine, ol jake the snake decided to come out. I about did a back flip off the counter weight lol.
* We disconnected innercooler lines, etc.. to make sure no restriction was in the lines.
* Rebuilt the turbo. Noticed a little oil leaking past the seals, and turbine had too much play for our liking. So nice rebuilt turbo.
* Took the little heater off on top of the engine and that was fine.
* cracked each injector line to see if they affected the engine. All injectors seemed to perform as they should.
* Blew out all of the fuel lines after disconnecting all of them.
The only thing left that we can think of is the injection pump, so we took that off, then we called B&D diesel and they said to put it back on and it didn't sound like the pump. It sounded like loss of fuel????????? And try to bypass all of the lines by hooking up a jug of diesel fuel and a line straight to the injection pump.... Thunderstorms limited our work yesterday so were going to try that this week.
The engine is a CNH or IVECO... There is a CNH tab right on top of the motor..
Anyone have any ideas? And no we havn't purchased a service manual yet..... it's coming though.:Banghead
I'm hoping some of the expertise on this forum can help me. I am having issues with my kobelco sk210 lc-8 POURING black smoke when it's under load. Only under load. I can rev it high and it's fine, but as soon as I lift the boom or perform any function with the controls it pours black smoke. Here's what we have done so far to troubleshoot:
A little history: We had it at a friends house and it was running fine. We had a blizzard with about 2 foot of snow. Long story short, after the snow melted, we went to move it. about 20 feet and it died. After a fuel pump replacement and filters, we came to find out the entire Lower fuel filter housing was completely packed full of mud. So after all that was cleaned up it was running great...probably put 50 more hours on it....Then we moved it to a new job and noticed it was slowly losing power and more black smoke, so we stopped running it. Replaced the filters again and then took the fuel tank off and scraped a significant amount of smelly mud and random parts that didn't belong in the tank. Didn't help.
First thing that came to our minds was not enough air and too much fuel.....
* First we checked for dirty air filters. Ran the machine without them for a quick test. Not the problem. However from sitting a mouse had built a nest in there... and to my luck when I had my head down in the engine, ol jake the snake decided to come out. I about did a back flip off the counter weight lol.
* We disconnected innercooler lines, etc.. to make sure no restriction was in the lines.
* Rebuilt the turbo. Noticed a little oil leaking past the seals, and turbine had too much play for our liking. So nice rebuilt turbo.
* Took the little heater off on top of the engine and that was fine.
* cracked each injector line to see if they affected the engine. All injectors seemed to perform as they should.
* Blew out all of the fuel lines after disconnecting all of them.
The only thing left that we can think of is the injection pump, so we took that off, then we called B&D diesel and they said to put it back on and it didn't sound like the pump. It sounded like loss of fuel????????? And try to bypass all of the lines by hooking up a jug of diesel fuel and a line straight to the injection pump.... Thunderstorms limited our work yesterday so were going to try that this week.
The engine is a CNH or IVECO... There is a CNH tab right on top of the motor..
Anyone have any ideas? And no we havn't purchased a service manual yet..... it's coming though.:Banghead
Kobelco sk210-lc8 pouring black smoke
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