Newbie needs help; to buy or not to buy!!

mercredi 4 mai 2016

I am looking at purchasing my first backhoe for just around the property work. I found a 1989 Ford 655D what appears to be in really good condition but I have some concerns. I have a friend who runs and works on heavy equipment that has offered to take a look at this equipment before I make a purchasing decision. The seller is holding firm on $10K and the machine has 8500 hours on it.

My first concern is parts availability. I read a recent post that said they they don't make parts for these tractors anymore and that would probably be a deal breaker for me. Is this truth to this finding?

Should I hold off for a Deere or Case or is this a fair price for a hoe like this?

We are going to check out the mechanics tomorrow and see how this machine works, but I could certainly use some expert advice before I spend $10K.

Thank you in advance for any help!:confused:

Newbie needs help; to buy or not to buy!!

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