D6 vs D8 dozing

mercredi 31 août 2016

Hey guys,need some input,on the field as a pro·té·gé,a dozer is my 1st machine of choice,so am in a site and am learning from two seniors,one is operating a D6 and the other a D8,been on the D6 more and got the hang of it,its easy to put the blade on the ground since I can see the cutting edge clearly,this dozer is a 6way so the blade's boom or the attaching mechanism goes under the belly,recently got on the D8,big machine,the blade doesn't angle as the D6,my dilema is tht,unlike the D6,I can't see the cutting edge,the two corners of the blade since the attaching mechanism is bolted at the edges so its more of a feel instead of sight,I ask the senior and he tells me to look beneath the blade,on the left side that is,so yesterday was my 1st day on the D8 and my other senior told me to get used to it because they are many in our market,any thought on the same will be highly appreciated.

D6 vs D8 dozing

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