Deutz diesel

vendredi 2 septembre 2016

So they bought another maulden this summer. A week ago she started smoking. It was oil smoke..... Less than 500 hours on her. I shut her down, and figured I might be wrong, so I pulled the air filter and it was pretty dirty. I banged some dust out, called the shop for a new one, and went back to work. One new filter and there was no more smoke. Must have been fuel....sure didn't smell like it but hey. This week she started again.. Got worse as the day went on. Dealer said to take it to a deutz shop about an hour away, and they would cover the bill. So they tell me I am not running it hard enough. Basically it has too much power when I go full throttle, it runs too cool, the liner's glaze over, and the oil gets buy the rings. That has to be the dumbest thing I have ever been told. It does run cold, never above 150, and I did find it strange. The fall is setting in, guess we'll have to park her or put the cardboard to the front of the southern machines run a cooler thermostat because of the heat?

Deutz diesel

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