Ether or no ether. 644E

jeudi 27 octobre 2016

so the 644E has an ether start button but it looks like its fallen into disrepair. the instructions say crank for 1 second, pause, gas it and crank it again. It seems to start with a little protesting at 30 degrees but starts in 4 seconds and picks up all cylinders after about 10 seconds. We generally know what days we'll be using it and there is a block heater, we could put that on a timer. I know ether abuse is mighty harmful, I'd probably put in a second outlet in the back of the building and add a trickle charger along with the block heater, keep the batteries nice and ready to help save the starter.

On the engine I see the hose and wires for the ether start but that's about it! No can, no valve.

Any thoughts?

Ether or no ether. 644E

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