E70b hydrolic question

mardi 20 mai 2014

Good evening, any mechanics out there? I just picked up a '95 CAT E70B nice machine until I went to dig with it, all fine for the first 5 minutes until the fluid warms up everything works but I loose power on the bringing the dirt out of the hole and then the bucket looses its power and with a load in the bucket it "bleeds off" all other functions are fine. Of course I can't get a mobile mechanic out for several days. I can let it cool down and go back to digging for another 5 minutes and loose scoop power. I have operated and owned iron for most my adult life and never had this issue. Any Ideas? Hoping something simple like an electrical switch, and not a pump or valve. Thanks in advance for any suggestions, if I had a tester I could test pressures but I don't thus waiting for CAT to get a mechanic out. :confused:

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