Hitachi EX200-3 weird tracking fault

dimanche 26 octobre 2014

Got another wee intermittent fault on my '96 dash 3 ex200 which I would be grateful for any advice on;

The machine tracks along perfect from cold start up and under light operating conditions, each of the 3 tracking speeds function correctly, tracks run at same speed, tracking power is normal etc - all good. However, when digging/working hard and the hydraulic oil gets really hot, and you go to re-position the machine, sometimes the tracking goes dead slow, ie slower than the tortoise speed. Pulling the boom up simultaneously, or another arm function, tends to cure the fault, ie she will be tracking dead slow, you boom up, and suddenly she's off again at normal speed. Both tracks are affected identically, it occurs irrespective of which speed mode is set, and she tracks straight and true whilst affected and otherwise. The oil cooler is newish and the oil doesn't seem to be getting too hot. Someone suggested the oil might be bypassing a bad seal in the rotary manifold (or it could have a crack) once really hot and returning to tank, because this is one of the only elements of the two track systems which is common to both sides?

Any and all bright ideas would be very welcome indeed, cheers in advance.

Nb, you can also buy her if you like!

Hitachi EX200-3 weird tracking fault

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