Would you buy a "Cabover" tractor for pulling an end dump rig

samedi 28 février 2015

Looking at older truck tractors to set up a rig for hauling debris, brush from land clearing, etc. Currently, conventional tractors with wet kits are bringing big bucks, even older ones. I have seen a number of older cabover tractors at very low prices. Even newer cabovers are reasonable in price it seems.

I know they are harder to climb into and out of, and somewhat harder to do engine work on, due to access. However, is there any "big" disadvantage in using an older cabover for pulling an end dump trailer. I have never owned a cabover, nor an end dump trailer. Just conventional 10 wheelers.

I have found a nice looking 94 Freightliner cabover near here, and am leaning toward a purchase if it checks out good.

What do you think: Cabover, or not??

Would you buy a "Cabover" tractor for pulling an end dump rig

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