rhode island hoisting engineer exam telehandler question

dimanche 29 mars 2015

My company is sending me to take the exam and do far nobody else has passed the test at my company. When I asked what I should really study up on they said the hardest thing was you had to know specifics about certain machines. They said their are questions asking about JLG, skytrax,terex and lull 644 and 844. I just don't understand why the questions would be machine specific? Are they just misunderstanding these questions? I understand what the numbers mean on these machines, like a jlg 1044 lifts 10,000lbs and can extend 44ft in the air. I'm wondering if the questions are answered knowing that bit of information? I understand reading a load chart, safety, signals all that but I'm getting tripped up on what the others in my company are saying. Does it make sense to you that it would be machine specific? They only mentioned jlg like there's only one jlg telehandler but there are like 7or 8. That goes for the other companys. It doesn't make sense you would have to know the very specifics of say 40 different telehandlers

rhode island hoisting engineer exam telehandler question

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