JD 450C Clutch Problems & Neutral Safety Switch

samedi 24 décembre 2016

I just purchased a 1982 JD450C with 6 way blade from a farmer. (1) The dozer stopped moving under its own power. I checked the pressure and got 170 in the HLR and the dozer moved a few feet; however, it stopped again and the pressure went away. I tried to adjust the clutch pedal to get the free play; however, all I get is free play and have adjusted from one end to the other as well as adjusted the nut inside the bell housing. I can push the clutch pedal in with my hand and never get to a point where it feels like I am actually pushing the clutch plate open. Does this sound like the clutch is just completely shot? I would imagine if I couldn't push the clutch all the way down to the floor board if actually felt the clutch pressure plate disengage the clutch. (2) The neutral safety switch actually doesn't start in neutral and you have to have the dozer in any HLR gear to start. The farmer said he bought the wrong switch an installed, does that sound correct as I was reading the service manual and it mentioned adding shims until it actually would start in neutral. Does that sound correct or could the farmer have purchased an incorrect switch.

JD 450C Clutch Problems & Neutral Safety Switch

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