Why Cedar Rapids 30X54 have two type of Stationary Jaw Plates?

lundi 26 décembre 2016

The first Stat Jaw Plate has small edge. What the purpose for these two small edge?

Cedar Rapids 30X54 Stationary Jaw Plate PN 3054-500-17
Name: Cedar Rapids 30X54 Stationary Jaw Plate PN 3054-500-17.jpg Views: 1 Size: 28.6 KB

Cedar Rapids 30X54 Stationary Jaw Plate PN 3054-500-87
Name: Cedar Rapids 30X54 Stationary Jaw Plate PN 3054-500-87.jpg Views: 1 Size: 23.3 KB
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Why Cedar Rapids 30X54 have two type of Stationary Jaw Plates?

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