480D Case shuttle trans trouble.

mardi 21 octobre 2014

Hi guys-

I have a nice 480D that I'm having trouble with. When I got it, shortly after it quit going forward. I read about it and learned that the forward clutch plates needed to be replaced. I took it all apart and laid it out on the the bench and replaced the plates. After reassembly it worked and operated pretty well. A little sluggish from forward to reverse I felt, but once engaged, it never slips. Since then I have been plagued with on and off forward trouble. It will always engage quickly if operating on a downhill grade. It often works well if shifting rapidly from reverse. Its just sometimes you can leave it in forward gear and rev the thing up several times and then it engages forward violently. If its in forward gear, its in. No slipping in any gear ratio. Any ideas? Ive changed the fluid already and its clean as the day I replaced everything.

480D Case shuttle trans trouble.

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