Vermeer s600tx

lundi 20 octobre 2014

Hi all,

newbie to this site and would like to take it for a test drive, let me start off by first saying thanks to anyone who takes the time to read my post and possibly shed some light on my issue..what I have is 2007 Vermeer mini skid steer s600tx. A person brought it to me with a few leaks and not able to go forward and left at the same time, it will go forward and right,it just wants nothing to do with the left , if you find a sweet spot in the controls it will go very slow straight forward, I repaired the leaks and ran it through all if its motions and rechecked the fluid level. ok now it still wont turn left going forward, I can however turn both ways moving in reverse, the joystick feels fine in all directions, but im leaning towards replacing it,any thoughts before I do? also the warning light is on always for hydraulic oil overtemp, which I know its not because its on as soon as its started. Any and all help is appreciated. if you need more info or something I left out please ask. thanks again Andy

Vermeer s600tx

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