Rebuilding Logging Equipment

samedi 27 décembre 2014

When I first started in the business it was common to rebuild large expensive things like stackers, articulated front end loaders and some logging shovels. The cost and shortage of qualified labor, cost of parts and limited financing options killed the rebuild markets in the mid to late eighties for most of the iron. Yarders seem to be the only thing that can be rebuilt these days and most have had several tear downs and rebuilds. I suspect that is because of the supply of new means rebuilding is virtually the only solution.

I'm wondering with all the "new" technology and its associated learning curve and problems we haven't found yet, what the market opinion would be for quality rebuilt machinery? With the price of a shovel logger running north of $400,000, at what price level would you consider a rebuild? What operating hour level would be the right place to do that rebuild? What range of years or models would you consider?

Rebuilding Logging Equipment

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