Reduced Tail Swing/Zero Tail Swing Excavators in the Woods....

lundi 29 décembre 2014

Have decided upon an excavator size for working the woods & doing other projects on our property. Now trying to figure out whether to go with reduced/zero tail swing or a conventional tail excavator. The zero models will overhang the tracks by only 6" or when the upper is swung sideways over the tracks. The conventional will overhang by nearly 3 feet.

Part of me says go with the zero swing it will save both trees and the back of the machine from dents & damage. Another part of me says that if it is too tight to turn the machine in the rear, there are likely obstacles to the front as well. So if I take care, take my time and pay attention, I can avoid the damage to the rear.

Machine will likely spend at least half of its working time in the woods.

Some in clearings, some in cleanup and maintenance of roads/trails.

If anyone has experience operating the zero tail swing or reduced radius machines in the woods, would appreciate your perspective.

Reduced Tail Swing/Zero Tail Swing Excavators in the Woods....

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