1998 Cat D5C Hystat Groaning Noise while Turning

mercredi 4 février 2015

Still fairly new to operating this machine- 1998 D5C with 3600 hrs. Is a groaning noise typical or common to these while turning ?- Hystat seems to function fine and fairly quiet in forward and reverse, but really starts to groan loud when making hard left/right turns. Hyd oil is fresh, level is good- I see some slight bubbling when looking into the Hyd tank. There is some wetness of hyd oil underneath the hystat pumps and hoses, but I can't find an obvious leak. I cleaned/washed off the underside to get rid of previous Hyd oil seepage- let it dry off- and now I see seepage again after running it again for a short time.

1998 Cat D5C Hystat Groaning Noise while Turning

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