Dead controls on MM55sr

mercredi 4 février 2015

Hello everybody,

I have an old MM55sr and parked it a couple of months ago and when I went to do some work the controls are dead. I dropped the console and no action. I had stretched out the machine a bit more than usual extending the boom and bucket. A HD mech friend told me to tap the pressure relief under the floor boards and I had movement on controls for couple of minutes. Then I reset console up and down and movement again. I checked interlock micro switch in console and it tests out OK. Tapped pressure relief a couple more times and got movement but only for a minute Tracks and blade are always good, but no control in either joystick when dead. Pulled out the pressure relief valve and all looks good and spring seems right. Movement again in joysticks when valve back in. Lasted only a minute or two.

Flashing CPU light as always since I bought it but it always had worked controls before. Would be interested to hear from others. What next?

Thanks from farmerboy

Dead controls on MM55sr

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