Perkins 1104 engine

vendredi 20 février 2015

I have to go pull the injection pump off a fork lift w/an 1104 engine..

Come to find out.. the pump hold down bolts are under the front cover..!!!

Which means the entire front of the engine has to be dismantled..

Alternator, fan blades, v-belts, pulleys, water pump.. then the front cover..:eek:

OH, and lets NOT forget the special puller to get the gear off THE KEYLESS drive shaft on the pump..

I know how to do it.. and the timing procedure.. BUT.. Perkins need to have their heads examined !!!!

What USED TO BE a 30 minute procedure is now a 3 hour ordeal... with parts and skinned knuckles.. :Banghead

I wonder how many "engineers" have had to pull one off??? What a joke..!!!

Rant over..

Perkins 1104 engine

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