Double your blades?

mercredi 25 mars 2015

How many others double up your blades? When we change our blades, we take the front set and swap ends, so the outside ends become the centers in the rear set. With our 16 foot moldboards by the time the rear set is finished with, they are pretty much 4" across. We use 1" x 8" x 8' installed with grade 9 3-1/2" plough bolts with washers to install.

Searching through our used blade racks when I used to work in my first field, a former co-worker would routinely have used blades that were 8" on the outside ends and 4" on the center, he refused to double.

So how many double? As a side note we change blades with the moldboard parallel with the frame and facing up, about waist high. I use an IR composite body 1/2" impact gun to fasten the nuts upwards. I have used a CP steel body 3/4" in the past, and now I don't mind double checking with breaker bar and a snipe instead.

Double your blades?

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