Running tracks on back to front

mardi 3 mars 2015

Yair . . . Over the years I guess we have all seen the odd track put on the "wrong way" . . .I think tctractors spotted one on this board recently.

So if they were left to run like that what is the effect?

An old bloke (even older than me) told me recently that a tanksinker way out in the Territory used to fit new tracks back to front and, when they wore to some rule of thumb dimension he'd turn them and run them to destruction the "Right Way".

Due to freight costs it was never worth sending chains out to the coast to turn pins and bushes and he reckoned he got more hours by doing this.

Anyone heard of that before, because its a new one on me and I just can't get my head around it.

I would add that many of that tractors hours would be walking job to job, not working hard but very abrasive conditions.


Running tracks on back to front

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