Anyone haul their mini on a flatbed truck?

samedi 2 août 2014

My smallest mini and my track loader will fit (weight wise and size wise) on the flatbed of my F550. I have a spare 12,000 winch with wireless remote that I figured I'd use to assure no slipping as I drive each up onto the tilted bed, then chain them down. Both are running rubber tracks, but I still don't think I'd consider loading them on the bed without the winch. I backed up to a hill and loaded my mini excavator to check the height with it loaded. It looks like it must be right around 12'6 on top of the bed. I'm fine on weight for the truck's rating with either. Anyone use this method to haul their equipment? Am I missing something I should consider? The winch is just to assure that either machine doesn't go anywhere if it slips, and not to actually pull them up onto the bed. Thoughts?

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