Son's Wedding / Why Were Late

lundi 20 octobre 2014

This last Saturday my oldest Son got married . The whole wedding went off good , Wife even got Me on the dance floor . Looked like Baby Huey waltzing around mashin spiders But My Wifey was happy . His new Wife has had a long transition period getting used to our group . Miss C came with the package and anyone that remotely knows me , Knows how much I spoil this now seven year old . Whoa , That's 4 years now she's been around . Both of them are just starting out . Her parents were strapped and The two young lovers decided to be somewhat independent . The wedding was funded by the two of them .

They in turn asked people they trusted to help with different details . My Wifey was asked to help with the food . They took a full year to lay these plans out .

Oh , I had a reality check . Holy Smoke prices have sky rocketed on wedding stuff . Son named off a hand full of things a month ago and it hit 10 grand . They gave up a lot of stuff to pay for this deal thru the last year . I think I had a grand tied up in our wedding back in 19something . If it would have been a nickel more , I'd have been forced to find something cheaper .

Friday was the rehearsal , I am smug in the thought of all I have to do is just set here and nod . We were done by 7:00 pm but they planned a rehearsal dinner and it was at the daughter in laws brothers house . Her brother and his wife are good people .

So to bed late translated to up late . Just like every wedding that has been had history someone backs out at the last minute . One of the gals that was helping with the food had the flu and after a phone call we found we needed to double the food we were responsible for . Had to run and and get more stuff from the store , On Saturday morning . Stores were busy . The clock was ticking . Two store stops more were needed and headed back to the house . Wife is a little rattled and I'm thinking we will forget something ( Please Lord don't let Me forget something ).

Wife starts in and she's has the stove jumping and in the middle of all the bubbling and gurgling , The phone rings . " ARE YOU GUY'S GOING TO MAKE IT FOR PICTURES AT 4:00 ?? ". Well someone forgot to send the memo with that little detail ...It's 20 minutes till the hour of 4 . Easy answer , No . I should have just kept that to my self but told my wife and now she thinks we let the kids down and she's upset at that thought .

We get dressed . I load the truck . This whole time the nagging feeling I am forgetting something is there , just can't shake it . Asked my lovely too many times I found out . Have we got everything??? She in her BIG BOY voice said "YES!!" . With all the scrambling I check the time and we can get there by 5:00 . Wedding starts at 5:30 so I'm thinking Cool . Going to make it in great shape . But That feeling of dread is still hanging on .

With everything loaded . My Lovely waiting in the truck on me I fire up and down the road we go .. Remember that feeling of dread ?? . It went a way 10 blocks from the house ... If you don't think God doesn’t have a good sense Humor , you need to be a little more observant . I remembered what it was I had forgotten . My false teeth were still in the Chopper Hopper in the bathroom . Wife Said "WHAT ?!?!?!? "

Back to the house , Mistake corrected and down the road . But I have food in the back of the truck so my driving had to be better than normal and to make sure I drove right . A divine hand reminded me that I should have checked my oil because if I turned too quick the lifters started knocking because of no oil pressure . It was the same if you took off too fast or hit the brakes to hard . Apparently from the looks the rear main seal went to leaking and parking in the gravel I missed it . Any way the food was safe .

We made It .. I'm sure My Son and His Bride was just a tad upset . They didn't show it . My Wife and I witnessed A family come together as one . The hustle of earlier in the day just simply vanished .

Son's Wedding / Why Were Late

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