Cat E70B Display Panel woes

lundi 1 septembre 2014

I've been sorting out electrical problems on my neighbor's Caterpillar E70B excavator (s/n 5TG00128). I was able to successfully replace the fuel level gauge and hydraulic temperature sending unit, but can't figure out the warning buzzer/idiot light arrangement. Here's what it's doing:

-With key on/engine off, the charging light is on but no other lights/buzzers

-With key on/engine running, the same charging light is on, but no other lights/buzzers

The machine operates as though nothing is wrong. All the gauges are working. The charging system seems to be working fine (26+ V running). When the 'test' button on the dash is pressed, all the warning lights come on and the warning buzzer sounds. I've checked the circuit to each of the sensors and all are in working order. In fact, when I shunt the coolant temp sensor, the light comes on in the dash and the warning buzzer sounds (as it should). However, the oil pressure light does nothing and the charging light will not go away.

I've even replaced the main circuit board under the gauges/lights with no change in symptoms. Stumped!! :confused:


Cat E70B Display Panel woes

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