Older Case Backhoe Hydraulic Problem

mardi 2 juin 2015

I have a Case Model 21 backhoe on a 210B gasoline powered tractor. I bought it from a good friend who has since passed away. I have done an amazing amount of work with it for the cheap price I paid for it. I am now having trouble with the swing system on the backhoe boom. The model 21 hoe is similar to the model 33 I think. The problem I am having is that I have to push very very hard on the swing pedals to swing the backhoe boom. Its almost like its fighting hydraulic pressure to overcome the force on the pedal. The boom cycles either way properly, its just very hard to get it to move via the pedal. I'm thinking maybe a relief valve problem. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. I'm hoping maybe a member on here has some experience with the older case backhoes. My swing pedals are not a flat pad like the newer machines. Mine are just a round piece of steel bar stock.

Older Case Backhoe Hydraulic Problem

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