Chevy C70 2 speed rear stuck in high

samedi 20 septembre 2014

We have a 1980's vintage C70 with 2 speed rear at work, the rear end shift wire corroded and shifted into high, and then I guess shorted out because it's stuck in high. We only use it in the yard and I need it to be in low all the time. I ran new wires to the switch but it's not shifting. The old wires were so corroded the insulation fell off and I wasn't sure of the color coding, looked like one red wire and two black wires. Maybe a blown fuse? Haven't found it yet. Is there a way to manually get it to shift into low on the rear end itself? Seems to be a solenoid that applies air pressure to the axle.

Chevy C70 2 speed rear stuck in high

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