Multiple Question on Ford 555 and Backhoe Tractors vs Excavators

samedi 20 septembre 2014

DISCLAIMER: I am making several posts that all start out the same and LOOK like they might be cross-posts but are actually different questions. I did check with management to make sure I wasn't breaking any rules.


I do gravel driveways, mainly repair/reclamation. Not asphalt, not concrete, just gravel.

But I've had to turn away work for not having the capability to do certain things "in-house".

Stuff like putting in culverts or stripping away significant amounts of grass and topsoil to install a brand

So I decided that during the off-season I would buy some equipment.

I am also going to pick up my CDL because I need a more versatile license, but that's only for background.

Also, I already have a Kubota 3031 with FEL, but it's dedicated to a specific task and putting a backhoe on the 3-point hitch is not really a good option.

The list of equipment I figure I need is as follows:

  • An Excavator: Something in the 70hp range, give or take. Culvert installation and similar work would be typical

  • A Skid Steer: Not sure what power range is smartest.

  • A Trailer: Ideally should be able to carry a payload of about 18,000-20,000lbs. Must be Bumper-Pull, not 5th Wheel/Gooseneck because I would intend to pull it with the dump truck.

  • A Dump Truck: Something in the 5-ton load range.

I give that information so that anyone answering my question can see the context of the question


I looked at some equipment yesterday, one of which is a Ford F550 Tractor with an FEL and a Backhoe.


Is A Ford 555 a viable substitute for an Excavator given the capabilities of each or is it getting into the area of overkill?

Certainly it would let me do more than an excavator would but I wonder if it might be TOO much and not do a good job of addressing my basic needs.


If this tractor/loaded/backhoe is not a good alternative to a dedicated excavator, and I am definitely looking for used equipment, what would be the wisest brands and models in the 70-ish horsepower range? (That hp number comes from a suggestion from someone in a substantially similar business.)

I should mention that the guy I bought my business from mentioned the 70-ish HP range for an excavator and that puts the 555 in the same size range, with a little less HP and weight. In fact, from what I can tell, the main differences are that a comparable Kubota excavator (KX080-4) has no FEL bucket opposite the backhoe, has a pusher blade behind the backhoe, is tracked where the 555 is wheeled and it's a bit over 8" narrower.


This tractor is a plain 555, no letter designation and I think it's a 1982. I don't know the hours because I forgot to ask.

It has a 4-in-1 bucket, an extendable backhoe, a full cab and heater and a bunch of attachments. (16, 24 & 36" backhoe buckets, an additional front bucket, a compactor, a jackhammer, a back-blade, and auger and a couple of booms.)

It also weighs just under 15,000 pounds, is 81" wide, fits on a 23 foot trailer and is 12 feet tall.


The guy wants $15,000 for this 555.

It is NOT pretty or modern but pretty doesn't matter to me and modern may be overrated. Right now it is having a hydraulic line being repaired but otherwise seems mechanically sound. It certainly started and ran easily, although I obviously can't do a full test yet. It does have those accessories I mentioned, but no trailer. I mention the lack of trailer only for judging the price.

The guy selling it is an owner/operator who is retiring, but he didn't get it new.

I'm not worried about quibbling over a few hundred bucks here and there... I'm interested in knowing if the price is wildly off the mark high, if it's in the ballpark or if it's a really good deal.

Also, since I don't have any really deep experience with heavy equipment, are there things I should look for that I don't know?

Multiple Question on Ford 555 and Backhoe Tractors vs Excavators

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